STAR AgML Geometry Comparison with STARSIM/AgSTAR

STAR Geometry Comparison: AgML vs AgSTAR

At the left is a general status for each geometry tag which compiles in AgML.  All volumes are tested recursively except for the "IBEM" and similar support structures for the VPD, and the Endcap SMD strips.  (The ESMD planes are tested as a unit, rather than test all 2*12*288 SMD strips).

Color codes:

Green: No differences larger than 1%

Yellow: The volume did not appear in AgSTAR geometry

Orange: Difference was larger than 1%, but absolute difference is absolutely negligible.

Red: A difference larger than 1% was detected for a significant amount of material; or a negligible but widespread difference was detected. 

At the right is a PDF file for each geometry tag. For each volume we show two plots. The top plot shows the absolute number of radiation lengths which a geantino encounters traversing the geometry, starting at the geometry and following a straight line at the given pseudorapidity. We average over all phi. The left (right) hashes show the AgML (AgSTAR) geometry. The difference (expressed as a fractional value) of the two histograms is shown the lower plot. Frequently the differences are small, e.g. 10^-6, and ROOT rescales the plots accordingly. Since it is difficult to read the scales of so many plots at once, we have color coded the plots. (Coding seems to fail in the generation of some histograms)... The meaning of the color coding is summarized below.

/********************************************************************** START OF PHP */

/* =======================================================
   Helper function to show the status_yXXXX.png
   ======================================================= */
function showImage( $tag, $dir ) {

"<img src=\"$dir/status_$tag.png\" />";


/* =======================================================
   Helper function to show the PDF file
   ======================================================= */
function showGoogle( $tag, $dir ) {
   echo "<iframe border=\"0\" url=\"$dir$tag.pdf&amp;embedded=true\" style=\"width: 562px; height: 705px;\"> </iframe>";


"<iframe frameborder=\"0\" style=\"width: 562px; height: 705px;\" src=\"$dir/$tag.pdf&amp;embedded=true\"></iframe>"


/* =======================================================
   First some PHP input... find the date of the comparison
   ======================================================= */
/* =======================================================
   Output header for this page
   ======================================================= */

echo "<h3>STAR AgML vs AgSTAR Comparison on ".$DATE."</h3>";

/* =======================================================
   Read in each line in the TAGs file
   ======================================================= */
$handle = @fopen("$TAGS", "r");
if (
$handle) {
    while ((
$buffer = fgets($handle, 4096)) !== false) {

/* Trim the whitespace out of the string */

/* Draw an HRULE and specify which geometry tag we are using */
echo "<hr><p>STAR Geometry Tag $buffer</p>";

/* Now build a 2-entry table with the status PNG on the left
           and the summary PDF ala google docs on the right */

showImage( $buffer, $DIR );

showGoogle( $buffer, $DIR );

    if (!
feof($handle)) {
"Error: unexpected fgets() fail\n";

/************************************************************************ END OF PHP */