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Type Title Author Replies Groups Last postsort icon
Meeting talk Status of Hypernuclei reconstruction vassilie 2020-12-14 09:00
Meeting talk Update of light nuclei production at FXT 3GeV(SL20d) huiliu 2020-12-14 08:41
Meeting Tracking Efficiency Uncertainty meeting petrchal Tracking Efficiency Uncertainty 2020-12-14 08:24
Meeting talk Addressing Recommendations from Reviews yezhenyu 2020-12-12 19:35
Conference talk BES-II analysis status and plans, CPOD 2021 plans marr 2020-12-12 16:36
Conference talk Startless T0 for PID in high luminosity pp/pAu data marr 2020-12-12 16:36
Conference talk Potential issue for 200 GeV Au+Au centrality marr 2020-12-12 16:36
Conference talk Small system event activity marr 2020-12-12 16:35
Conference talk Isobar paper status and plans marr 2020-12-12 16:34
Conference talk Embedding status marr 2020-12-12 16:34
Conference talk Data production and calibration marr 2020-12-12 16:33
Conference talk Tracking efficiency task force report marr 2020-12-12 16:33
Conference talk Pythia tuning task force report marr 2020-12-12 16:32
Conference talk Spokesperson welcome marr 2020-12-12 16:31
Blog entry Run15 inclusive jet and dijet code QA zchang 2020-12-12 00:50
Meeting STAR PWGC meeting marr 1 2020-12-11 15:17
Blog entry Weekly Meeting (Dec 9th, 2020) mhstar FMS Analysis/Calibration 2020-12-11 08:57
Blog entry SIGNI_CALCU_DOCUMENT apandav 2020-12-10 23:12
Blog entry MIXED_CUMULANT apandav 2020-12-10 21:02
Book page Run 21 dongx 2020-12-10 17:10
Book page Fixed Target Au+Au (2021) geurts 2020-12-10 16:45
Book page AuAu 7.7GeV (2021) geurts 2020-12-10 16:35
Book page Run 21 (BES II) QA geurts 2020-12-10 16:26
STAR Note SN0759 : Tracking efficiency uncertainty for the STAR TPC veprbl 2020-12-10 12:10
Blog entry Jet-corr Meeting - December10, 2020 jmazer19 2020-12-10 09:53