STAR Presentations

Found (4338) STAR Presentations

List of STAR Presentations (abstracts / talks / posters / proceedings)
talk: Light- and Hyper-Nuclei Collectivity in Au+Au Collisions at RHIC-STAR
Link, Presentation file(s):  PDF
QCD type: Hot QCD, selected by STC: No
talk: First-order event plane correlated v1 and v3 in BES-II Au+Au collisions at STAR
Link, Presentation file(s):  PDF
QCD type: Hot QCD, selected by STC: Yes
talk: Probing gluon saturation through two particle correlations at STAR and the EIC
Link, Presentation file(s):  PDF| PPTX
QCD type: Cold QCD, selected by STC: No
poster: Measurements of Hypertriton Production in Au+Au Collisions at 3 to 7.7 GeV
Link, Presentation file(s):  PDF| PDF
QCD type: Hot QCD, selected by STC: No