Charge flow

Charged particle anisotropic flow

Directed flow measurement in AuAu@62GeV

Two methods were used to calculate directed flow:

  • three particle correlations (mixed harmonic method). FTPC and TPC data were used.
  • two particle correlations with spectator nucleons. Data from newly installed in 2004 ZDC SMD detector were used.

Talks and Publications

Charged particle elliptic flow in AuAu@62GeV and AuAu200GeV data (RUN IV)

The measurement of elliptic flow in AuAu at 62 and 200 GeV data were performed using TPC and FTPC data. The non-flow contribution to two particle correlations at different pseudorapidity regions was discussed.

Supporting materials:

  1. Charged particles flow in FTPC’s
  2. Update on acceptance corrections for directed flow in Au+Au at 62GeV
  3. Getting directed flow: standard way and X and Y direction separately
  4. Update on acceptance corrections for directed flow
  5. Acceptance corrections for directed flow
  6. Charged particle directed flow: two particle correlations and mixed harmonic method with X and Y taken separately
  7. Charged particles directed flow: event plane from East/West FTPC's asymmetry
  8. Charged particles directed flow in Au+Au@62GeV calculated with event plane from ZDC SMD
  9. Calculating directed flow in the case of different resolution in the different transverse direction
  10. Calculating directed flow in the case of different resolution in the different transverse direction
  11. Directed and elliptic flows of charged particles in Au+Au at 62 GeV
  12. Directed and elliptic flows of charged particles in Au+Au at 62 and 200 GeV
  13. Directed flow of charged particles from mixed harmonics in Au+Au at 62 GeV