Flow systematics

FTPC multiplicity study for AuAu@200GeV

The strange "File Id" dependence in both FTPC East and FTPC West were found in AuAu@200GeV data. It was fould that for the same production library there was files produced with different library setup, and large part of the files was with broken FTPC data.

Supporting materials:

  1. Charged particle flow in FTPC's with File ID cuts
  2. FTPC's File ID dependence in RUN IV data
  3. Update on FTPC's multiplicity study in Au+Au@200GeV
  4. FTPC multiplicity FileId dependence in Au+Au@200GeV
  5. FTPC multiplicity studies
  6. FTPCs systematic studies

Anisotropic flow in the case of azimuthally asymmetric detector

The method for acceptance correction in the case of azimuthally asymmetric detector (for example ZDC SMD in STAR) was suggested. The method was successfully applied in the anisotropic flow analysis of AuAu@62GeV ZDC SMD data

Supporting materials:

  1. Update on acceptance corrections for directed flow in Au+Au at 62GeV
  2. Getting directed flow: standard way and X and Y direction separately
  3. Update on acceptance corrections for directed flow
  4. Acceptance corrections for directed flow
  5. Charged particle directed flow: two particle correlations and mixed harmonic method with X and Y taken separately
  6. Charged particles directed flow: event plane from East/West FTPC's asymmetry
  7. Charged particles directed flow in Au+Au@62GeV calculated with event plane from ZDC SMD
  8. Calculating directed flow in the case of different resolution in the different transverse direction
  9. Calculating directed flow in the case of different resolution in the different transverse direction