Event Structure

Kapusta talk at UW

Joe Kapusta gave a nice UW physics colloqium today.  It was mostly an overview of RHIC physics and current theoretical understandings of what appears to be happening in RHIC AuAu collision. 

drupal status in estruct

A couple of differences exist between my local installation of drupal and STAR's  which may be causing me difficulty in
organizing/understanding the estruct layout.  The most significant 2 are:

dedx qa hists in analysis

Duncan put QA hists for dedx into the analysis object. These are large 150x150 2d hists. Given that the correlations analyses are sorted by multplicity, these seem unnecessarily duplicated.

Also, why not include these in the fluctuations analysis?

an EStruct QA object

I built a StEStructQAHists object to do a couple of things:
  • move some QA histogramming from macros into code
  • standardize a suite of histograms always available to final analyses

drupal wishlist

implementing my wish list for drupal-blogs is on hold as computing folks haven't responded. I suspect they are quite busy with the run and collab meeting. Anyway, in case I forget:

centrality in estruct code

Centrality is organized via the StEStructCentrality singleton class which simply maps an array of floats to a centrality binning.
  • The idea is to fill the definitions within a macro so that any of the code can access the definition.

problem running Pythia in ROOT

I went to run pythia within ROOT via TPythia6 (wrapped by EventSTructure pythia reader) taken from libPythia6.so ... it fialed. I checked STAR bugs and found that STAR bug-614 covers this problem. That report says it is a ROOT problem that is not backwards compatible and offers a solution of explicitly loading,

drupal blog test

testing an entry... with a hyperlink to My December 2003 daq 100 test

And how 'bout throwing in a picture (which is protected!)

PWG data sample usage


Speaker : Jamie Dunlop ( BNL )

Talk time : 12:00, Duration : 00:10