STAR Protected

Status and progress of A_N paper

TOF trigger and summary presentation

Speaker : Yury Gorbunov ( Creighton University )

Talk time : 14:00, Duration : 00:30

Analysis status

Phi analysis

Speaker : Jonathan Bruckman ( Creighton University )

Talk time : 14:30, Duration : 00:30

Run 11 preparation meeting #1

2010-11-05 16:00
2010-11-05 17:00
America/New York
Friday, 5 November 2010
1-189, EVO, at 20:00 (GMT), duration : 01:00
For guidance, our flagship projects for Year 10 from last
year included:
* Online storage / central storage
* Revamping the online network
* Auto-calib and Auto-QA projects
* New online plots
* Try to make good on code in CVS

We would need to hear about
- QA (online and offline) - assume Gene will compile a summary
- Online tools ShiftSignup, RunLog, ShiftLog - Dmitry & Leve
- Production requests during yhe run - Lidia
- DB issues if any remaining - Dmitry
- Storage and other issues - Wayne

 As first action items, we will also need as every year
to (a) poll users for storage requirements online and (b) be sure
all DB back-end supporting all tools are rotated and ready (and all
links / generic names are as well for Run 11). If you need storage
space online and have a opinion, please voice it especially if
need diverge from past year's.

Update on J/psi polarization study

Speaker : Barbara Trzeciak ( WUT )

Talk time : 14:00, Duration : 00:45

Hypertriton Analysis at BES 7.7 and 11.5GeV

K0s, lambda, xi production in beam energy scan

Update on jet shapes analysis (via EVO)

Analysis update (via EVO)

Gamma-Hadron 2D Correlations (via EVO)

Asymmetric azimuthal correlation

System size dependence on 2D two particle number correlations

Update on 2+1 analysis

b parameter

Speaker : Tomek Obrebski

Talk time : 14:00, Duration : 14:20

STAR Management Meeting

2010-12-02 10:00
2010-12-02 11:00
America/New York
Thursday, 2 December 2010
BNL, 50-I-189, at 15:00 (GMT), duration : 01:00

STAR Management Meeting

2010-12-09 10:00
2010-12-09 11:00
America/New York
Thursday, 9 December 2010
BNL, 50-I-189, at 15:00 (GMT), duration : 01:00

STAR Management Meeting

2010-12-16 10:00
2010-12-16 11:00
America/New York
Thursday, 16 December 2010
BNL, 50-I-189, at 15:00 (GMT), duration : 01:00

                                                                 Phone Bridge: +1 626 395 2112 (CA) / +1 631 344 6100 (NY) // ID: 72047 // Password: 0952

   Time:  11 AM - 12 PM EDT


I. Agenda:

             1) Run11 preparation - Bill

             2) Run10 200 GeV production - Jerome/Gene

             3) Recent talk issue - Nu

             4) Decadal Plan and eSTAR Task Forces - Nu

             5) FGT - Nu/Bernd/Flemming 


II. Brief Summary and/or Action Items:

            0) Attendency:  Jerome, Flemming, Bedanga, Jamie, Gene, Nu, Bernd, Bernd

            1) Run10 production: Despite the problem on rcf, the STAR 's goals for QM11 will be fine. The productions are expected to be completed three weeks from Dec. 15th, 2010.

            2) QM11: STAR topics, deadline (Feb. 28). Start the discussions with PWGs.

            3) Decadal plan: submit it asap and start the eSTAR task force. Prepare the STAR workshop on EIC physics and R&D processes.

            4) FGT project: Have a meeting before Friday FGT Quartly Review.

III. Note:

► BNL PAC report June 2010.

Charge for New Decadal Plan, Steve Vigdor, Dec. 17, 2009

► STAR NPE Committee, H. Huang (chair), April 2008

► STAR FMS Review: Sept. 1-2, BNL. P. Jacobs (chair). Review Report


IV. Future Meetings and Reviews:


STAR Management Meeting

2010-12-23 10:00
2010-12-23 11:00
America/New York
Thursday, 23 December 2010
BNL, 50-I-189, at 15:00 (GMT), duration : 01:00