
2022 ops meeting notes

Notes from STAR Operations Meeting, Run 22


2023 ops meeting notes


Notes from STAR Operations Meeting, Run 23

August 7, 2023

RHIC Plan:

Shutdown early.

Restricted Access

THis group was created to provide a way to protect posts (pages, blogs, images, ...) from generla access

Detector Readiness (old)


 (old - attachements hidden)

BBC/ZDC/VPD HV system (LeCroy1440) communication problem


Loss of communication with LeCroy1445A.

It often happens when LeCroy was turned off, or loses its power due to power dip.
Indications are:

L2 Documentation: 2014 Comments


The most current documentation can be found on Kevin Adkins blog page. It's not the 2014 comments any longer (2015 at this point!), though this page still bears that name.

Runtime Documentation

L2 monitoring Scripts:

Control Room

We use a crontab on emc01.starp.bnl.gov to update the trigger database tables as well as the "offline" pedestals throughout the run.  Here's the relevant portion of /etc/crontab:

00 4 * * * emc /home/emc/online/emc/pedestal/job

00 * * * * emc /home/emc/online/emc/trigger/job
10 * * * * emc /home/emc/online/emc/trigger/job
20 * * * * emc /home/emc/online/emc/trigger/job
30 * * * * emc /home/emc/online/emc/trigger/job
40 * * * * emc /home/emc/online/emc/trigger/job
50 * * * * emc /home/emc/online/emc/trigger/job

New online web server (dean.star.bnl.gov)


New web server notes for content providers and users