

Year 2010 posts

Other changes going from v2.2 to v2.3


Many of the changes going from version 2.2 to 2.3 were in response to

GPC comments to v2.2 of Pion HBT paper and responses


2009.12.20 Ecalgeo-v6.2: embedded LOW_EM cuts after TPC/EEMC overlap fix

Monte-Carlo setup:

  • Throwing one photon per event
  • Full STAR y2006h (latest EEMC-v6.2 and BEMC with LOW_EM cuts, rest of geometry from CVS)
  • Throw part

Combinatorial background subtraction for e+e- signals


It is common to use the formula 2*sqrt(N++ N--) to model the combinatorial background when studying e+e- signals, e.g.

2009.12.17 Ecalgeo-v6.2: embedded LOW_EM cuts in the calorimeter geometry

Monte-Carlo setup:

  • Throwing one photon per event
  • Full STAR y2006h (latest EEMC-v6.2 and BEMC with LOW_EM cuts, rest of geometry from CVS)

GPC comments to v2.1 of Pion HBT paper and responses


Dave Underwood [12 December 2009]

6: 2009/15/DEC Update of heavy flavor embedding priority list



2009.12.08 Low EM timing study: 10KeV vs. 100KeV cut settings

Conclusions/dicsussion at the emc2 hypernew:

2009.12.07 Low EM study: LOW_EM option, 100KeV cuts, and DCUTE=100KeV

Conclusions/dicsussion at the emc2 hypernew

Photon-jet simulation request

Simulation needs with y2006/y2009 geometry
specific to the photon-jet analysis

* Update version of the previous simulation
request from December 18, 2008 (see Ref. [1])

5:2009/2/DEC: Updated HF priority list


2.DEC. 2009

HF embedding priority list for PWGC discussion

1) Upsilon in pp 2006 (done)

2009.12.01 BEMC 1x1, 2x1, 2x2, 3x3 clustering

Monte-Carlo setup:

12 Dec

December 2009 posts

GPC comments to v2.0 of Pion HBT paper and responses


From Michal Sumbera [5 Aug 2009]:

Joint CATHIE/TECHQM Workshop, December 14-18, 2009


Ilya Selyuzhenkov for the STAR Collaboration

4: 2009/24/NOV: Gamma in AuAu200 (2007) request


Primary contact: Bertrand Biritz


2009.11.23 New EEMC geometry (CVS v6.1): y2006 vs. y2009 STAR configurations

Monte-Carlo setup:

2009.11.19 LOW_EM and EEMC time/event in starsim

Monte-Carlo setup: