
2010.06.28 Tests of L2e-gamma trigger emulation with single photon Monte-Carlo

2010.06.18 L2e-gamma trigger effect: Py-CDF-Tune-A, Py-Perugia0, and pp2006 data comparison

2010.06.17 Pythia TuneA/Perugia0 filtered MC vs. pp2006 data

Data samples and colour coding

  1. black circles: pp2006 data
  2. open green: MC-QCD-TuneA,

2010.06.15 First look at data vs. TuneA/Perugia0 filtered MC with latest EEMC geometry

Data samples and colour coding

  1. black: pp2006 data
  2. open green: MC-QCD-TuneA, partonic

06 Jun

June 2010 posts

2010.05.28 Photon-jet candidates - Perugia vs. Tune A


2010.05.27 Run 6 and Run 9 jet Tree production

Useful inks:

  • Run 6 Murad's note:

2010.06.07 RHIC & AGS Users' Meeting: Workshop on Local strong parity violation


LPV workshop website:




2010.05.13 BFC and Pythia QA after Pythia Eta -> - Eta

Related inks:

Pythia filter bug details:

2010.05.05 Starsim/bfc timing tests

Related inks:

Response to PRD referee comments on Upsilon Paper

First Round of Referee Responses

Click here for second round.

EEMC simulation spreadsheet: prompt photons and QCD

2010.05.03 Pythia/BFC gamma-filter accaptance vs. gamma candidate pt (after gamma-maker 3x3 cluser fix)

Related inks:

05 May

May 2010 posts


2010.04.30 BFC and Pythia QA after gamma-maker 3x3 cluser fix

Related inks:

2010.04.17 Pythia/BFC gamma-filter accaptance vs. gamma candidate pt, energy, and eta

Data sample used:
Pythia prompt photon Monte-Carlo (partonic pt bins are combined without weights)

2010.04.09 BFC and Pythia QA: 10% gain shift

04 Apr

April 2010 posts