Low Mass Systematic
For the low mass background systematic we first estimate the background contribution (or contamination factor) to the signal reigon. That is we integrate our simulated background to discern t
We need to worry about a number of systematic effects that may change our measurement of ALL. These effects can be broadly separated into two groups: backgrounds and non background
TPX high rate test
Updated on Fri, 2008-03-07 16:45. Originally created by genevb on 2008-03-07 16:45. Under:PT scan of Pythia-filter rejection for QCD events ( Jan)
Updated on Mon, 2008-05-12 10:44. Originally created by balewski on 2008-03-06 12:55. Under:Pythia Filer: cell>10 GeV ET, cluster >20 GeV ET , grid covers Endcap Pythia events
The measurement of ALL for inclusive neutral pion production is seen below along with statistical error bars and a systematic error band. This asymmetry was calculated using a clas
Combinatoric Background
The last piece of the invariant mass distribution is the combinatoric background. This is the result of combining two non-daughter photons into a pion candidate. Since each photon in an
Low Mass Background
The low mass background is the result of single photons being artifically split by the detector (specifically the SMD.) The SMD fails in it's clustering algorithm and one photon is reconstruc
Eta Peak
I treat the eta peak in a similar way as the pion peak. I throw single etas, flat in Pt from 2 - 25, and reconstruct the two-photon invariant mass distribution for the results. The thro
Pion Peak
To study the pion peak section of the invariant mass distribution I looked at single pion simulations. The pions were thrown with pt from 2 - 25 GeV/c flat and were reconstructed using the cu
Yield Extraction
After all the pion candidates have been found and all the cuts applied, we need to extract the number of pions in each bin (in each spin state for ALL.) To do this we simply
Cuts and Parameters
Here I will detail the some general information about my analysis; topics that aren't substantial enough to warrant their own page but need to be documented.
Pt Dependent Mass
The two-photon invariant mass is given (in the lab frame) by
M = Sqrt(2E1E2(1 - Cos(theta)))
Invariant Mass Distribution
The two-photon invariant mass distribution can be roughly broken up into four pieces, seen below*.
Fig. 1
List of available M-C event samples (Jan)
Updated on Wed, 2008-06-04 09:32. Originally created by balewski on 2008-03-03 13:12. Under:.
M-C Event Samples Available
evaluation of Bates minB sample (Jan)
Updated on Mon, 2008-03-03 13:11. Originally created by balewski on 2008-03-03 13:11. Under:Evaluation of minB events ample produced by Mike at Bates in January of 2008.
Events characteristic: Pythia MinB events, sqrt(s)=500 GeV, vertex Gauss(0,60cm)
I am using the final polarization numbers from run 6, released by A. Bazilevsky to the spin group on December 4, 2007. The files can be found below.