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Pedestal Stability Plots

These plots compare the pedestals in each of the 4 barrel detectors for runs 9047017 and 9064017. These are from the first and last fills that had the BSMD in the run.

Cuts on the data


SMD Sector Edge Effects

Abstract:  We examine edge effects in the SMD at sector boundaries. 

0.0 Data Sample and Cuts


Geometry for 2007 simulation

root4star -q -b bfc.C\(1,10,\"trs,srs,ssd,fss,y2005f,Idst,IAna,l0,tpcI,fcf,Tree,logger,ITTF,Sti,genvtx,SvtIt,SsdIt,geant,-evout,IdTruth,tags,bbcSim,tofsim,emcY2,EEfs,-GeantOut,big,-dstout,fzin

Underlying Event

Slides for Spectra Meeting 06/05/2008

Few slides I wanna show at Spectra Meeting.


MC pT spectra after various cuts

 There was some concern about the effectiveness of the proposed cuts at different cluster energies, so here are plots showing exactly that.

Lorentz effect on charged tracks

For this study, I generated 1000 pions +/- per event with  :

Statistical Errors for data and simulation for 2006 dijet cross section

For both data and simulation, I calculated the distribution of cos(theta*), 1/2(eta3 + eta4), and invariant mass. The simulation jets were appropriately weighted.

Silicon hits

 We put the silicon hits information for analysis code.

cuts used :

nHitsFit >20


dcaGlobal <1.5

nFit/nPoss >0.52