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Same cuts, bigger samples!

 I've finished generating 500k piminus events, 50k pizeros, and 50k single photons (all sitting in magic_single_particle with the earlier samples), and have put them through the same cuts

Effect of Momentum Resolution on Electron Gains

The momentum resolution from the TPC NIM Paper is 2% + 1.5% * pt.


timeline 1.1


 A Timeline

simulation : charge sharing

Intro :

The quality of SSD hits is calculated as the ratio of the sum of strips fired by the GEANT hit over the charge of the reconstructed cluster.


added by zibi

How to add images to a page (examples of the diverse solutions)

This may become a FAQ but since it came a few times, here is a run-down of the ways one could attach images to Drupal and their scope/usage restrictions.

Background conversion probability using identified pi0 sample, take 2

Abstract:  A sample of identified π0 decays Background conversion probability using identified pi0 sample to measure the conversion rates for background events and/or estimate the mean number of photons detected by the preshower system within various radii of the π0 candidate.  In this note we
  1. Estimate the mean number of photons detected by the preshower system w/in four isolation regions around the reconstructed π0,
  2. Estimate the mean number of photons incident on the tower(s) containing the two photons in the reconstructed π0, and
  3. Estimate the mean number of photons incident on the tower containing the leading photon in the reconstructed π0.

Gamma Jet Asymmetry Projections

This analysis uses the prompt-photon PYTHIA+ GEANT simulations to determine the errors on gamma-jet asymmetries and  DeltaG for an input of 50 pb-1 and polarization = 60%.&nbs

Using the pi0 sample to estimate the amount of material in front of the endcap

Abstract -- We look at the mean energy deposited in the 1st preshower layer above the higher energy gamma in a sample of isolated, reconstructed pi0 decays. 

SMD Residuals

First, here is a quick review of the cuts applied so far (numbered so that they correspond to the plot of the number of hits that survive each cut):