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First Attempt At Cuts

I broke down and made an ntuple yesterday, which vastly speeds up the cut-testing process.  The following sequence of five histograms shows the tower energy spectrum (summed over the cluster)

Muon, Photon, and Pi- Preshower Plots

These plots were made from 5000 events of each particle type.  For muons, tower clustering was done by setting a seed tower threshold of .25 GeV and a cluster threshold of .33 GeV: for gamma a

First Clustering Plots

The plots show that the clustering works.

BEMC 2008 slopes

Here some plots of slopes for 2008 using runs 9061080, 9062099, 9063032, 9063117, and 9064017, which are all EmcCheck runs. The slopes are attached in a text file.

BW fit to pp

Jan blog example 101

This is body of jan blog page 101

It was so cold but nice


Further Preshower Plots

Figures 1, 3, and 5 show plots involving geant preshower energy deposition (i.e., with no calorimeter simulation applied): for each tower-only cluster the preshowers in front of it are identified a

Jet Energy Study

Using a series of response functions generated from single particle geant simulations and integrating the jet finder algorithm, I took each pythia jet and found it's detector energy.

Mac port of STAR offline software

Progress report on a port of STAR offline software to Mac OS X. Analysis chains using StMuDSTMaker are running fine; full bfc chains and simulations abort when I try to gexec the geometry. I’ve attached unified diffs of my Mac-related patches for each top-level directory in case we want to incorporate them into the STAR CVS repository.

Mechanical Test Setup.

In attachment are components for Mechanical Test setup and connectivity test features.
