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Running Spiffy Single Particle MC

One of the difficulties in using single-particle monte carlo in analysis is that tracking will

Kalman 102 : 1D tracking

I have developed some interest in Kalman tracking.

Found this writeup 

A summary of our Photon XS Measurement Efforts

The starting points for our work attempting to measure the photon cross section were a set of papers (OPAL: hep-ex/0305075, ZEUS:

Investigating pT behavior in our MC

The spill-over plots from the previous post raise the question of why the partonic pT spreads so much.  These new plots show more detail on the pT contributions at each stage of the event.

2006 L2Gamma EEmc trigger simulation


1. Specify runs / timestamps to simulate

More on Raw BSMD ADC Distributions

As Will pointed out, you can't always say with 100% certainty whether a given module is showing banding structure just by looking at the raw ADC vs.

Dijet x1, x2 distributions in eta bins

Below are x1 and x2 distributions for different eta bins. eta3 is always the larger of the two jet etas.

BSMD ADC distributions from data

These plots were made from data taken from the  following runs:

Spill-over Events

It doesn't look like I can remove the spillover events from the training samples without drastically changing their content.  Now I just have to figure out what to do with them to keep the distribution sensible.

EEMC Trigger thresholds 2006

Trigger thresholds 2006


Just realized that STAR provides timestamps using GMT, not EDT... so....