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QA part II (Low Luminosity)

I have analysed the  "Low Luminosity"  production P08ic  (without any cuts) that was just produced with SVT+SSD+TPC and TPC only:


Hadronization/Underlying Event Systematic for 2005+2006 jet aLL Part II

In Part I of this blog I discussed the porting of the Hadronization and Underlying Event stand-alone pythia code, originally written by Mike Miller, to RCF and the various tests used to determine t

test last commit

A bug fix was provided by Valeri to fill correctly the ssd  daq adc and strip data

DB entry changes between 20080412 and 20080418, preparation for Year8 production

Here is the (reshaped) dump of the db differences (image rescaled, view image for details).

Only vertex related.

StGammaMaker Status/Issues

Abstract:  A quick summary of the status of the StGammaMaker software, and issues related to producing a large MC event sample.

On stability of my SMD clustering

 There were valid questions raised about how well the output of my clustering method in the SMD matched in MC and in data.


The following plot shows the Track Multiplicity for the defined Max Jet Region for each of the different partonic pT. The combined partonic is shown in the bottom right plot.

Characterizing the new state of strongly interacting quark-gluon matter discovered at RHIC

General talks.

2006 Simulation Timestamp


Hadronization/Underlying Event Systematic for 2005+2006 jet aLL Part I

The Hadronization and Underlying Event Systematic aims to estimate the change in jet pT scale due to the underlying event (UE) and out-of-cone (O