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Pileup simulation in BFC

M-C pileup simulation 

  1. Prepare 2 .fzd files, use the same geometry
    1. phys.fzd ( hard process simulation you want to study).

2008 PPV vertex finder status

Mission statement:  PPV finds only Z-vertex (as of June 2008)


Gluon Workshop Talk

 Talk Draft 

collaboration meeting '08

first version : ssd-bouchet-ver2

second version : ssd-bouchet-ver3

third version : ssd-bouchet-ver4

comparison D0 : version 1

comparison D0 : version 2

Conversion Rates for Gammas Identified in pi0 Decays and Isolated w/in a Single Tower

Abstract:  Background conversion probability using identified pi0 sample, take 2 we have used identified pi0 and eta decays to estimate background conversion rates.  It is important to cross check that the conversion rate for a single photon, isolated in a single calorimeter cell, agrees with the conversion rate expected based on the thickness of the radiator.  This was shown to work well for single photons isolated from eta decays, and for the pair of photons identified in both eta and pi0 decays.  However,  when we examine the conversion rate for single photons isolated in a tower from a pi0 decay, the conversion rate does not agree with the 1-photon hypothesis.  In this study, we show that the background beneath the pi0 peak does not explain this discrepancy.

Pedestal Stability Plots

These plots compare the pedestals in each of the 4 barrel detectors for runs 9047017 and 9064017. These are from the first and last fills that had the BSMD in the run.

Cuts on the data


SMD Sector Edge Effects

Abstract:  We examine edge effects in the SMD at sector boundaries. 

0.0 Data Sample and Cuts


Geometry for 2007 simulation

root4star -q -b bfc.C\(1,10,\"trs,srs,ssd,fss,y2005f,Idst,IAna,l0,tpcI,fcf,Tree,logger,ITTF,Sti,genvtx,SvtIt,SsdIt,geant,-evout,IdTruth,tags,bbcSim,tofsim,emcY2,EEfs,-GeantOut,big,-dstout,fzin

Underlying Event