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SPIN 2016 Proceedings

FPOST SiPM testing report

This contains a summary of the SiPM testing for the FMS postshower detector using the FPS fee board.

Au+Au 200 GeV analysis with FMS_runlist check

period 1 and period 2 runlist in today's FMS meeting

12-22FMS meeting



Short summary for Jan 19,2017
Different new variants were tested.

1. Accounting known vertex in seed finder;(+)

FXT Elliptic flow update


Run 13 Di-jet Update: Status Towards APS


TOF efficiency

MB triggers
|V_z| < 6 cm
|v_z(VPD)-V_z| < 3 cm
TPC nHits > 15
PID 3sigma

LFS-UPC status for QM2017

