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sTGC test with TPC electronics

 1st look of sTGC strip signal using STAR TPX electronics at SDU.  

SPIN2016 Proceeding


Zilong's cones vs Grant's regions cross-check on Run12 pp200 jet trees

This was resolved here

12-30Group meeting


Vertex Reconstruction: muDst status

BulkCorr PWG 2017



- Report
- Plots/Data of measurements at Dec. 22 and 23
- Test on spare SiPMs by Minghui

New Calibrations (Run 15)

 In Dec 2016, new calibrations are being obtained for Run 15.
These calibrations do not use the LED data for extrapolation but are done with pi0 fitting. 

Comparison between UE densities in "region" and "cone" method in Run12 pp 200 GeV

"leading jet cone density" only iterates over cones of leading jets
"cone density" iterates over cones of all jets

Conference Proceedings: SPIN-2016

SPIN 2016 Proceedings