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STAR GPC work : IFF @ 500 GeV paper

 STAR GPC work : IFF @ 500 GeV paper

University of Tsukuba postdoc meeting

HF-PWG minutes 2017/01/05

 1) J/psi v2 in U+U collisions - Alena Harlenderova

Vertex Reconstruction: muDst status

Quark Matter 2017

Talks & Posters by STAR at Quark Matter 2017

J/psi elliptic flow in UU - non flow and trigger bias

sixth cumulant for net-proton


Dijet NLO theory for Run13 $\sqrt{s}=510$ GeV

  • 45g971d75ybdvca4a38kjh5fzp6mj5iz-plot.tar.gz - NNPDFpol1.1/NNPDF2.3 scale uncertainty
  • 5jk7x18pncdh4yk9qk5m374akbw4jyvv-plot.tar.gz - DSSV2014/MSTW2008

Some QM Poster Templates

 Three possible templates are attached.

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