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FPOST IV Scan status report Dec 16

This is my slides on the FPOST IV scans as of Decemeber 16, 2016.  It contains information on why certain SiPMs needed to be replaced.

One Slide about QM

satus 15/12/2016

HPSS MDC, Run 17

Following a reshape of networking in summer 2016 (new switches, dual ath using LACP at the end of July) and the introduction of LTO7 technlogy, yet a new Mock Data Sync is needed.

Vertex Reconstruction: muDst status


HF-PWG minutes 2016/12/15

 Most of PA's who plan to present new results at the QM2017 showed a one-slide update on their analyses. Here are resources needed:



One slide QM Update, NPE R_pA


v2 J/psi in UU

Dpm QM update DEC 15