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Sti, StiCA, Sti+Hit-ReUse comparisons

This is a repeat of the study I did last April: Sti comparison between SL16b for HitReUseOn.

StiTpcHit's problems

I wound some strange behaviour of StiTpc hits.

1. Tpc hits XY distribution< simulation:

HFT Software Meeting - Nov. 16, 2016


Underlying Event Studies - Basics

Signal (prompt and non-promt) and background distribution for sPhenix


Diffraction 2016 Proceedings (Resent results from the STAR experiment on Vector Meson production in UPC)

Rough estimation about systematic uncertainty change using relative luminosity estimated by VPD data

 This is a rough rough estimation of systematic uncertainty change using relative luminosity estimated by VPD data.
The atachment is the details.





ATT for electro-week boson production