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Cross check Run11 and Run14 D0 pt spectra


StiCA CA bugs

  Not everything in CA  is excellent. See picture below:

Diffraction 2016 proceedings


Photon Gun




Update on FMS LED/Frame progress

 A brief update on the progress being made on the curing device for the FMS

See for reference to previous LED properties

Run 16 62 GeV d+Au Hit Errors

UPDATE: April 11, 2017

DAQ file used: st_physics_17141042_raw_5500001.daq

Run 16 20 GeV d+Au Hit Errors

UPDATE April 11, 2017

Run 16 200 GeV d+Au Hit Errors

DAQ file used:  st_physics_17132063_raw_5000002.daq

Trigger Patch