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HF-PWG minutes 2016/08/11

 1) Takahito presented the Run-dependent QA for Run15 pp 200 GeV MTD data, and a total of 111 bad runs were identified. 


Aug 11 LED Frame Update

An update on the progress of Frame Construction for the LED curing array, curring data from an array/preliminary tests, wirring plans, plumbing plans, and the coming steps.

Run12 Inclusive Jet A_LL -- embedding sample -- 7 (ue syst)


SiPM report with movie run16

Star Online meeting 08/10/2016 final version

BCmeeting presentation


Run 13 StiCA Evaluation


Distortion maps for Triple 3D GridLeak

(A limited You do not have access to view this node of this topic was given at the 2016-08-10 S&C meeting)

Star Online meeting 08/10/2016