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Run15 spin4 issue


FMS Curing Update


Follow up from jet meeting 07/27/2016


nsigmae comparison


HFT Re-alignment at August 2nd, 2016

Run9 Barrel-Endcap Dijet Asymmetry Spin Meeting


Comparison with preliminary results


B feed-down and B to D pre study 2-----using pT spectra from FONLL as weight


Comparison cpu usage for dEdx calibration jobs using rcas and xeon-phi-dev

Comparison cpu usage of  dE/dx calibartion jobs using rcf rcas node with gpfs disks (1) and
HLT cluster xeon-phi-dev using sshfs mounted disks (2) :

RHIC SPIN / STAR - ICHEP 2016 talk

 RHIC SPIN / STAR - ICHEP 2016 talk