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Wilga proceedings v1

Wilga proceedings v1

Jet eta comparison for making underlying event trees

ICNFP - K+K- femtoscopy




RHIC-AGS Users Meeting Talk


HF-PWG minutes 2016/06/09

1) D0 v2 from 2PC using P16id data: good consistent with previsous preliminary results, as well as the EP method. 

Run 16 EMC dAu 39 GeV Timing Scans

Off-line analysis from cal_scan run # 17161009

BTOW phase 120ns (was 119)
ETOW phase  consistent with 103ns  (was 102, analysis gives ~102.5)

Hot Quarks 2016


nsigmae distribution from run14 AuAu 200 GeV


Cell Cleaning Prototype

Note on edits: first Version had chi2 fit on less damaged cell also fit to empty bins, causing huge values