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Run13 MC-Data Comparison - V3


Away-side jet correlations 0120 2016


Run 13 BEMC Calibration : Spin PWG presentation-01/18/2016

First presentation of run13 BEMC Calibration to SPIN PWG 
Presentation :

Chi^2 difference between most probable and next most probable particle IDs combination


TrackPt Update

It was raised in the last jet meeting, that for my data the average track pT had dropped fro ~0.9 GeV (plots in Novemer or earlier) GeV to

Group Meeting Jan 15


A_Sigma for A_LL transverse component systematic

y2016 geometry graphics images png gif jpg figure

Current Run 13 Simulation Chains

For pure simulation  (no embedding) the chain options are:

period 1

Proposed bylaws changes for STAR council consideration on 28 January 2016

The following changes to the STAR bylaws are proposed to address three separate matters noted below.