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STAR 2016 Conference Contributions

DIS 2016 (April 11 - 15, 2016)

DIS 2016 -- Abstract

IST and GMT fixed busy time, data size, and limiting rate as a function of ntimebins

The following table shows, for timebin settings from 1 to 15, the required fixed busy setting in RS ticks, and the data size in bytes per fiber per event and the corresponding limiting rate capability

Run 16 EMC AuAu 200 GeV timing scans

Here is some analysis of the Run 16 AuAu EMC timing scan

Calculating weight for refMult of central5 events - UU collisions


p+p Reference for D - meson RAA with HFT in 200GeV

1 Study pp reference for Dmeson Raa

The basic idea is when we take ratio, the correlated part will be cancel .

Quick look at effect of Run 15 OFCW short

There was a partial electrical short in the OFCW seen in Run 15. It was present in only 2.4% of the field cage readings taken during DAQ runs.

Track pT plots by bin embedding


DIS2016 - Abstract
