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Mass-Squared Contamination Fits

 Fits are attached below and shown as a functon of:

Jet pT
Pion z, in 6 pT ranges
Pion jT, in 6 pT ranges,
Pion jT, in 4 z ranges

Lambda Polarization -Cumulant Method- Analysis Note

Analysis note for global Lambda polarization PRL which has been changed to a Nature paper.

This is intended to be a living document and should change.

STAR Collaboration Meeting -- A_LL paper status update -- Winter 2016

Analysis meeting January 26, 2016

D0 Analysis run14



STAR BNL Collabortion meeting 1/2016

Simulation request for FMS for run-11


Trigger Bias, Cluster Method, and Systematics -- Response to Spin PWG Jan 18 presentation

Part  I.  E/p distribution's momentum dependence is from "trigger bias"
Part II.  Cluster Method has more advantages than tower methods. 

Dijet Theory Curve

Comparison to Brian's XSec numbers from

Red - Suvarna
Blue - Dmitry

Electron PID