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APS meeting abstract of J/psi polarization


SST : run15 QA update

Histrograms added to StSstMonMaker :

Run14_PileUp_Effect study


NSF site visit poster


Run15 PXL preproduction calibration check


Attenuation in lead Glass :


 /// No attenuation (Black )


Run 15 200 GeV p+Au Hit Errors

DAQ file used: st_physics_16149013_raw_4000031.daq

HPSS MDC, Run 16

After an HPSS cache reshape and upgrade of the tape drive micro-code, we decided to proceed with a new MDC before Run 16. Below are the graphs / results of this MDC.

Siwei Jpsi Polarization APS Abstract


QM15 comments

 Here are some comments posted to a few talks:

Vipul  12/29/15 pdf file with comments