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The Off-axis Cone Underlying Event Structure


Abstract for ATHIC2016


W embedding: reco electron ET vs geant electron pT


PWGC Review


Run 9 Pi0 Spectrum: Initial Simulation


Run-11 Transverse Jets: TOF PID Pion-rich vs. K/p-rich

Carl suggested that we might get a better idea on the shape of the kaon and proton peaks by looking at the K/p-rich sample.

NPE in Run14 Au+Au 200 GeV Meeting Minutes by Zhenyu - 2015/12/11

Run-11 Transverse Jets: dE/dx PID Pion Peaks

It is worthwhile to investigate the behavior of the Gaussian nσ(π) pion peak.

Slides for PPV vs KFV embedding studies

Forward tracking Stv modifications

Stv was primarily developped to support medium & forward eta. So all "forward" modifications related only not accounted features.