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rcf15005 simulation production locations

Hi All,

In a separate thread I promised to send out locations of files from the recent pileup simulation.

Sample 1: used as background events

y2014a geometry
40k events 
200 GeV AuAu 

PYTHIA with different tunes

Pythia Tunes and PDFs: Effects on Cross Section

A look at how different pythia tunes, PDF sets, and intrinsic kT settings could affect the dijet cross section ...

Explore the Dip in AN at XF=0.5


Pythia Tune Check -- 4


Master Page for Dihadron pp 500 GeV

 1. pythia simulation with Hard QCD on 

Master Page for underlying event for pp 200 GeV

 1. Dijet required, R=0.4, High tower trigger

Bulkcorr FMS 2016


Ermakov: GMT proceedings v5

Ermakov: GMT proceedings v4