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effect from nHits cut



STARSIM: Pileup Simulation HOWTO

Running pileup simulation in starsim

1) Generate your physics event sample and save them in an fzd file

Meeting on RP data structure

effect from DCA cut for btower calibration

Following Gene's suggestions,  I divided the sample into 4 parts  based on their dcaGlobal variable.  

1) for BHT1 matched tracks. 

DNP Talk (Preview)

The attached version of my talk for DNP does not include the full pAu data set that I plan to present.
The analysis is running and will complete in about 4 days.

Run 13 BEMC Calibration : Events counts of various trigger options



Data production for Sti versus Sti+CA evaluation. Progress Report.

Event Level Investigation


v3 squared from Frankfurt Hybrid Model


trigger bias without AJP and EHT0*JP1*L2Egamma