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Run 15 200 GeV p+p Hit Errors

DAQ file used: st_physics_16103013_raw_5000031.daq

dE/dx calibration 2015 pp200 (T0 update)

 After T0 correction the dE/dx resolution for 2014 pp200 sample is slightly improved
(RunXV11 is before T0 correction, RunX19 after it). 

Single particle Simulations :

0.5M single particle in geant and photons recontructed are used see detector responde.  eta = 2.2-4.4, E =  1-200 GeV uniformly thrown.

Run12 Trigger Simulator

 More information at:
First try,
Second try,

KK-femtoscopy - status report for BulkCorr PWG weekly meeting


Trigger Efficiency for 151021 MTD Phone Meeting

BEMC Calibration: DCA Bias Study

TrackDcaFits.AlteredRange.pdf : A change to the fitting range requested by Gene
TrackDcaFits.pdf : Original range used in the calibration analysis.

FTS Geometry 10/20/2015


WPCF 2015

Final draft of my talk for the APS Ohio-Region Section