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USTC slides for MWPC, Sep 2015


2015 Fixed Target T0 check


Simulation Update :

Jets in Old(penn state) vs. New (cvs) phton recontruction algorithm over data/Simulations

Data : 

Simulations :

Paper Proposal: 2011 IFF @ 500 GeV


dE/dx calibration 2015 pp200


Pythia Tune Check -- 3


Trigger FGT

For FGT pedestals we need TRG SETUP fgtPedAsPhys, for the production runs FGT read out for the following triggers:

Pileup Simulation for HFT QA

1) The Background Sample

calibration results on W and Z analysis

 MB: !BHT0,1,2->didFire()  1.5<p<6.5 (3.0<p<6.5 for eta ring 1,2,39,40)