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HF PWG Meeting Minutes by Zhenyu - 2015/03/26

1) Run14 Au+Au picoDst production - Round table discussion
60-70 M events, 20M events per day, 1TB per day for picoDst, 

Triggers for Run 15 p+Au

Drell-Yan QCD Bkg Suppression

Run-12 W+/W- Cross Section Ratios

2009 inclusive jet cross section preliminary - 20150326 spin pwg


TPC Drift Velocity history

This post is a simple follow-up to this previously shown plot...

Group based quota on the PWG disk


Following a thread as per how to allocate disk space to users (see BA to GPS plan) here is a description on how to allocate disk space based on group rather than

run13 pp500 gain calibration -- MIP

MIP summary of period 2:  

Day 80

 I am positing two day 80 run mass plots calcualted with "all ones" for corrections. These are from Runs 16080002 and 16080003

run 13 trigger algo version 3