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MinuitVF in 2014

Looked at the MinuitVF performance in 2014 AuAu events using the available MuDsts on NFS.  I think this was a test production?

Talk at the BNL Young Research Symposium 2012

Draft Slides for 2015 APS April Meeting

 Current working version: v7

v3: Updates from Anselm.
v4: Offline updates, and new x range plot.

Quick Look at Sti Hit Efficiency

For this study I consider Sti nodes ass

March 20, W meeting


Transverse Spin Asymmetries for Run 15 pp200


pi0 cuts:
 - All triggers
 - Ngamma == 2

CIPANP 2015 abstract


14.5 GeV update on 2 and 3 particle correlations


BES cross check support doc

2009 sim update 3_19