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Time Dependence of FMS gains

Brandon has looked at led pulse size vs. time .

Testing Jerome's Service Task Page

Grabbing and copying this service page to use the html as a template for a new STAR Junior. Thank you to creator of the original page!

RP_CPT2 rate plot

 The attached plot is courtesy of Jeff and shows the rate of RP_CPT2 for the run Friday morning around 10.30-11.30 during Paul's shift

A look at radiation damage in the FMS

This is an update on what I've done so far to look into the darkening of the lead glass by looking at LED signals.

Run 12 EEMC Tower Gain Evolution


HF PWG Meeting Minutes by Zhenyu - 2015/04/09

Nikolai Smirnov, TPC Grid leak, 2005


Detail investigation of TPC dEdx distribution


An additional A_LL systematic?

Beam Positioning Check on day 097 (April 7)

There was an indication that the beam position was moved on Monday (day 096, April 6) morning around 10am. We looked at the runs taken in the store Monday night through Tuesday morning.