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Intrinsic Noise Stability

Forward Upgrade Proposal / Schedule + Milestones - GEM option

EPD metting Feb 11th- Technical drawings


STAR Weekly IST Meeting Minutes 02/09/2015

 1. Operations, IST Alarm Test (Xiaozhi)
1) No issue on IST operations, first collisional data taken with IST today 9-11am today.

Progress on Gamma-Jet Nov. 2014

Run15 cdev monitor

The spin pattern of run15 are expected to repeat every  24 bunches. 

The following slide is from Elke's slides:  

2009 jet luminosity discussion - round 2


IST operation_2_9


Run 15 timing scans, etc.

  Attached are initial Run 15 pp 200 GeV crate level plts/nominal running phases with
caveats (these are from auto_scan run #16039029):

d+Au Ridge: Fit Gaus for Yields

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