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instructions for the STAR shift crew

GMT in Run 15 cosmics: first look

Using the st_gmt file stream, nearly all events from day 22 (over 7k events), using Xin Li's version of the GMT code "straight out of the box"...

spin PWG, 20150129

Data & Embedding  productions, done.

Dijet Analysis - Plots - ZVer90

CMS Alignment procedure for star (in progress)


Study of transverse spin transfer factor for the IFF

Dijet Analysis - Update - Jet Meeting - Jan28

SSD software for Run15

Production Request for Run14 PXL+IST Calibration Table Verifications

We request a calibration production to verify calibration tables for all Run14 AuAu200GeV physics runs. Here are the details of this request

Run 12 Gains

 Examples: Run 12 gaincor and gains