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Pythia BD


TUFF PCB cam layers sep_10_2014


TUFF PCB cam layers sep_08_2014


TUFF PCB cam layers sep_08_2014


Town Meeting Rehearsals

The meeting agenda is as follows:


FPS FEE BUS CONTROL CCA (TUFF CARD) PCB gerber files sep_02_2014

- added OWB isolated pwr/ gnd planes

S&C Meeting, August 20, 2014

Energy losses as seen by Geant and Sti. The following plots use data from a single slice at z=+5 cm

Sti vs Geant Energy Loss - 3: Specific Volumes

Energy losses as seen by Geant and Sti. This is for a single slice at z=+5 cm

Only the sensitive PXL and IST volumes were selected matching the following patterns:

Sti vs Geant Energy Loss - 2

Energy losses as seen by Geant and Sti. This is for a single slice at z=-7 cm

Changes in offline/hft/StRoot/StHftPool

$git --no-pager log --pretty=format:"%h - %an, %ad : %s" --follow master -- hft/StRoot/StHftPool/
0a2a177 - Dmitri Smirnov, 3 days ago : Switched to conventional return codes