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A_LL Update for spin PWG meeting 10.2.14

asymmetry: add 7th bins

I added a 7th Minv bin (top) and a 7th pT bin (bottom).  Compare 7-bins on the left to 5-bins on the right.


SPIN 2014 Draft Talk

 Current version is final.

PANIC 2014 Proceedings


d+Au Ridge GPC Meeting VI

Primary and global tracks miss match between TPC and FTPC detectors.

FPS status update (STAR upgrade workshop)


asymmetry: add 6th bin

The original 5-bins plots on the right is confusing because of the large "hole" between the last two bins.  I've add a 6th bin (left plot) by dividing the original last bin into 2 bins.

IST Geometry: IBAM Overlaps

IS2014 Abstract on d+Au Ridge

DNP 2014 Presentation Forward Di-Jets