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proceedings for the ICHEP Heavy Flavor talk

ICHEP HF Proceedings-to-be

v4 : Gang's comments addressed

Run12 Collins Analysis: Addressing PWG Comments

 During the weekly meeting on 9/25/2014, a few concerns were expressed about the run12 Collins analysis that should be addressed before preliminary. Those discussed in this post are:

2014 Student CEU DNP Posters

Place Draft4 and Brandt v4.1 posted for Spin PWG review.

Place Draft5 updated with comments from Spin PWG, and futher local comments.

FGT cosmic ray trigger set up

We start to work on the FGT cosmic ray test.

Calibraton of TPC in asymmetric Cu+Au collisions

EPD -- Geant Simulation Update


Possibilities on GridLeak saturation

Relevant observations that have inspired this:
  • The SpaceCharge and GridLeak luminosity offsets (SO and GLO respectively) show clear separation, with GLO values lower than SO
  • <

measurements of clock jitter at BTOW crate

IST Sti Geometry: ISCT, IST short cooling tube

Original geometry (TGeo)

Currently in Sti

