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Sti Volume Segmentation Test

Without volume segmentation With volume segmentation
    <div class=»

FMSPS: Voltage scans for SiPM radiation damage test

Radiation damage test

I(V) curves:

HFT + S&C Meeting, July 3, 2014

PXL: -30 cm < z < +30 cm

S&C Meeting, June 25, 2014

The Goal

  • Verify implement

Static TPC distortion/alignment study


Crosschecking IHTH IHTC volumes in IST

A few comments on TMVA ranking scheme


GMT module positions

GMT module orientations (from Richard Majka):
(click on the image for a full [large!] size version)

HFT Software + S&C Meeting, June 20, 2014

First look at Sti geometry with stiscan


EEMC Cal-06-20-2014