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Notes on JETPHOX

      Some notes about JETPHOX.  When the questions arose during Hal's talk on direct gamma
my mike was broken.
Dave Underwood



Jpsi prodcution at run11 p+p 500GeV



Magnetic Shielding tests update

Attatched is my report on our latest round of magnetic shield testing at PSU.


Hi All,
I would like to submit the following abstract for QM 2014 for poster presentation.
Comments and suggestions are very welcome.

Buffering GTP lanes

NOTE: We are considering buffering the GTP data between Spartan 6 and Atrix 7

Also, we may need to AC couple transmission lines... TBD

iFEE schematic update 01_07_2014

IFEE prototype CCA design notes:

iFEE schematic update 01_02_2014

StFmsSimulatorMaker changes following reviewer comments


Following comments made by the reviewers (Kevin and Jason) a number of modifications have been made to the code. The updated code can be found on RCF at: