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Run 13 TPC Field Cage Currents

Here are some plots of TPC field cage currents [μAmps] from Run 13 vs.

HFT assembly pictures

 The HFT support structure ISD together with the IST was assembly during the week of August 5.

Data Filtering

Certain runs have been observed to display data that was introduced during periods in which the detector was malfunctioning.

How to verify DNS records





Jitter captures from Jun 21 2013

PXL boxes opening

 The PXL stuff for eng run arrived on Friday 16. Today boxes were opened and one set moved to clean room
Visual inspection of sector halfs did not reveal any damage.

Pixel shipping delivery

A couple of pictures are attached from the unloading of the big boxes at the 1006.

Comparing STAR photos and GEant setup- July 2011 version

Heavy Flavor Electron production and azimuthal anisotropy in Au+Au collisions at 200 GeV

Primary authors:

Wenqin Xu, Wei Xie, Gang Wang, Xin Dong, Xin Li, Olga Hajkova, Mustafa Mustafa, Kunsu Oh, Yifei Zhang, Daniel Kikoła