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How to setup crontabs

Repeat of Cut Review

This is basically a repeat of the most salient parts of the Feb. 1st "Review of Cuts" blog, given the fitting updates of the Feb. 5 "Another Updated Fit" blog.  These results were discussed in the PWG phone meeting today (Feb 7th, 2013), and this blog is the promised further details.  The conclusions of the discussions are that
  • The cross section is not very sensitive to these cuts
  • While the mass plots look nices, it appears the MC fits work comparably well for any cut choice
  • The high cost of cutting statistics is not sufficiencly offset by reductions in systematics, and thus no cuts will be changed.

2013 hardware performance evaluation


This page will document the testing of new hardware for the 2013 pruchase. For each hardware, several tests will be made as follows:

h-/h+ ratio: 2012 QA

I took a look at the h-/h+ ratio for the 2012 data using code I got from Grant Webb, who had done this for previous years.

Data was from P12id. 

Intrinsic resolution in a tracking element

I have moved the contents of this blog page here.


Town Meeting Talks

I'm collecting the town meeting talks here for convenience 

MTD instalation pictures




Pictures from assembly of IDS, lifting and insertion


TPC charge distribution fit to power law

For many years, we have used the following distribution to model space charge in the TPC, taken from StRoot/StDbUtilities/StMagUtilities.cxx:

STAR Inner Detector Support pictures Sept 2012

 A couple of pictures by BNL photography after IDS was lifted to platform.