Future suggestion: determine beamline width via impact parameter correlations
Beamline Calibration How-To
This is a step-by-step outline of how to perform the beamline calibrations. Results from each year of running can be found in the child page links below.
void FindVtxSeeds(const Int_t mode=0, const Int_t nevents=10, const Char_t *path="/star/data13/reco/dev/2001/10/", const Char_t *file="st_physics_2304060_raw_0303.event.root", const Char_t* outDir="./");where mode is unused, and the other parameters are self-explanatory. In this case, output files go to the outDir. The output files will be discussed later.
If no available DST files will suffice, then the DAQ files will need to be processed using BFC options including "VtxSeedCalG", plus the year's geometry, a tracker, a vertex finder, and possibly other correction options. For example, in 2008 we used "VtxSeedCalG,B2008,ITTF,VFMinuit,OSpaceZ2,OGridLeak3D". The output files will, by default, go into either the local directory, or ./StarDb/Calibrations/rhic/ if it exists.
cat query.txt | mysql -h onldb.starp.bnl.gov --port=3501 -C RunLog > output.txtwhere the query file must be customized to select the unbiased triggers, triggersetups, and runs/fills. The query has been modified and improved in recent years to avoid joining several very large tables together and running out of memory for the query - see for example this query. This now looks much more complicated than it really is. Several simple cuts are placed on trigger setups, trigger ids (by name), run sanity (status and non-zero magnetic field), inclusion of the TPC, file streams (filenames), and lastly the number of events in the files and some very rough math to select some number of events per run by using some fraction of the file sequences.
This should return something like 10,000 events per run accepted by the query. The macro StRoot/macros/calib/TrimBeamLineFiles.C can be used to pare this down to a reasonable number of events per fill (see the macro for more detailed instructions on its use). This macro's output list of files then can be processed using the chain or macro as described above.
resNtuple.Draw("x:mult>>histo(10,4.5,54.5)","abs(z)<10");...to see if there is a low-multiplicity contribution from pile-up collisions (note that the above is but one example of many possible crosschecks which can be made to look for pile-up). Any cuts determined here can be used in the next step.
root4star -b -q 'AggregateVtxSeed.C(...)' Int_t AggregateVtxSeed(char* dir=0, const char* cuts="");where dir is the name of the directory with the ntuple files, and cuts is any selection criteria string (determined in the previous step) formatted as it would be when using TTree::Draw(). The output of this pass will be just like that of the first pass, but will reduce to one file per fill. Again, no ntuple file without at least one usable vertex, and no table file without at least 100 usable vertices. Timedate stamps will now represent the start time of fills. These output table files are what go into the DB after they have been QA'ed.
root 'PlotVtxSeed.C(...)' BLpars->Draw("x0:zdc");The intercepts and slopes will be plotted on one graph (see the 2006 calibration for some nice examples of the plots), and a TTree of the results will be available for further studies using the pointer BLpars. You might also be interested to know that this macro can work on a directory of vertexseedhist.*.root files as the BLpars ntuples are stored in them as well (alongside the resNtuple ntuples of individual vertices, but only if a vertexSeed.*.C file was written [i.e. if BeamLine parameters were found]) and can be combined in a TChain, which the macro does for you.
setenv DB_ACCESS_MODE write root4star -b 'WriteDbTable.C("~/public/vertexSeed","vertexSeed","vertexSeed","Calibrations_rhic")'The number of successfully (and unsuccessfully) loaded tables should be listed.
Below the beamline parameters for Au+Au @ 200 GeV, run 10.
Below the intercepts and slopes of the beamline parameters for Au+Au @ 39 GeV. The standard 2D method was used.
Initial values considering luminosity dependence
Updated values use TPC Twist ntuples
Final calibration
(set to 0,0 for initialization)
Below the beamline parameters for Au+Au @ 200 GeV FF. The entries with black markers were removed before upload because of low statistics.
Below the beamline parameters for Au+Au @ 200 GeV RFF. The entries with black markers were removed before upload because of low statistics.
Below the intercepts and slopes of the beamlime parameters for pp500, run11.
Preliminary values using TPC Twist ntuples
..to come...
...to come...
Problems observed in the P12ic preview production
During the RHIC low luminosity fill on March 5, 2012, the angle of the beams was changed (direction and particular beam not indicated to me). I was told that this occurred during Run 13065043, and according the Electronic ShiftLog, this was a 200 μrad angle change. At these small angles, using radians for the angle θ = sinθ = tanθ = slope. I used run 13065041 as a comparison for before the angle was changed and found the following:
Cuts: events with offline trigger ID=11, primary vertex has at least one daughter with a matching BEMC hit, |vZ|<100 cm, r=√(x2+y2)<4 cm.
Results (errors are statistical only; statistics are number of vertices passing the cuts; units are [cm] or unitless):
run | statistics | x0 | dx/dz | y0 | dy/dz |
13065041 | 49971 | 0.06417 ± 0.00051 | 0.001385 ± 0.000016 | 0.06132 ± 0.00077 | 0.000057 ± 0.000015 |
13065043 | 101085 | 0.06400 ± 0.00050 | 0.001381 ± 0.000013 | 0.06098 ± 0.00057 | 0.000030 ± 0.000014 |
Differences | 0.00016 ± 0.00071 | 0.000004 ± 0.000021 | 0.00034 ± 0.00096 | 0.000026 ± 0.000021 |
So while looking for a change in slope on the order of 200 μrad = 0.0002 in slope, I see no significant change in slope in the horizontal (dx/dz) plane to with an error which is an order of magnitude better precision than that angle (~0.000021, or ~21 μrad), and a change in the vertical plane which is only slightly over 1σ from zero (no change).
Other details:
Processing details: I used the following BFC chain:
"VtxSeedCalG B2012 ITTF ppOpt l3onl emcDY2 fpd ftpc ZDCvtx NosvtIT NossdIT trgd hitfilt VFMinuit3 BEmcChkStat Corr4"
And I processed all events from these files:
The choice of offline trigger ID=11 excludes laser events in run 13065041, which had offline trigger ID=1, though only a single laser event passed the other cuts on BEMC matches and |vZ|.
The choice of requiring a single BEMC match was motivated by these plots of BEMC matches vs. vertex rank (run 13065041 in the first plot, then run 13065043 in the second plot), showing that vertices without any BEMC matches are characteristically different (note: the plots saturate such that greater than 7 BEMC matches is set equal to 7). I saw no reason for otherwise excluding low-ranked, or low-multiplicity vertices. Low-quality events are anyhow considered by using the vertex-finer-assigned errors on reconstructed position εx,y when fitting for the BeamLine.
Here are plots of x and y vs. z (note the logarithmic color scale, units are [cm]), weighted by 1/εx and 1/εy respectively, and the histogram profile (including errors-on-the-mean) overlaid in black (note that there is a cut on r=√(x2+y2)<4 cm, which is used in the profile determination; i.e. the profiles are not made from the drawn 2D plots which would inherently restrict restriction to |x,y|<0.8 cm).
Run 13065041:
Run 13065043:
Cuts used:
Here are the results for 61 fills:
I was a little concerned about the notably different intercepts for the second fill (16779), but this was a very low luminosity fill with 12x12 bunches and looking at the individual vertices I found the half mm shift to be consistent across all z, independent of luminosity or multiplicity, so I left this point in. I don't think there's any UPC data until the fourth fill (16780) anyhow.
It should be noted that some luminosity depedence is still believed to exist in this data, most likely from remaining uncorrected luminosity-dependent distortions in the TPC. This has been documented elsewhere, but the below plot shows the intercepts from the above data color-coded by luminosity to demonstrate that a correlation remains at the level of ~0.05 cm (half a mm). NB: available for luminosity in the ntuples was the average of the ZDC coincidence rates from events used, though some of the ZDC-based rates are also known to have issues, and were not used in the TPC luminosity-dependent distortion corrections.
Preliminary look (high luminosity)
Preliminary look at low luminosity
A relevant look at Run 13 Beam Position Monitor (BPM) data
Periods of relevance for calibrations:
1) days 74-101
2) days 102-128
3) days 129-161
Results for period 2
Presentation on results for periods 1 and 2
In this pass, the seed finding was done on a per-run basis. Only one file sequence per run was chosen. Here are the results of the preliminiary aggregate fits:
For the second pass, it was clear that the main issue was to improve statistics. In order to achieve this, several file sequences per run must be done. To take this even further, one calibration per fill of the accelerator would allow for the aggregation of many file sequences with the minimal segmentation of calibration periods. So a method was developed to perform this aggregation on a per-fill basis.
Information about how this calibration is done, and links to other years, can be found BeamLine Constraint.
With the large number of special triggers in the 2005 pp data, I need to be judiscious about running the calibration pass. I want to be sure that the triggers I use do not bias the position of the reconstructed vertex in the transverse plane for a given z. As the DAQ files come and go quickly from disk, I also wanted to be able to do this study from the event.root and/or MuDst.root files on disk.
It would be nice to use the already-produced event.root files from FastOffline to do the beamline calibration. The first question to ask is, was the chain used for FastOffline sufficient for doing this?
FastOffline has been running with the following chain:
P2005 ppOpt svt_daq svtD EST pmdRaw Xi2 V02 Kink2 CMuDst OShortR
This causes StMagUtilities to run with the following options:
StMagUtilities::ReadField Version 2D Mag Field Distortions + Padrow 13 + Twist + Clock + IFCShift + ShortedRing
I believe these are indeed the distortion corrections we want turned on (no SpaceCharge or GridLeak, whose distortions should smear, but not bias the vertex positions).
Our old BFC chain for doing this calibration was:
The old chain uses Corr2, but we're now using Corr3. The only difference between these is OBmap2D now, versus OBmap then, which is a good thing. Also, we now have the svt turned on, but it isn't used in the tracks used to find the primary vertex (global vs. estGlobal). So this is no different than tpc-only. I have not yet come to an understanding of whether PreVtx (which is ON for the FastOffline chain) would do anything negative. At this point, it seems acceptable to me.
In order to use the FastOffline files, I modified StVertexSeedMaker to be usable for StEvent (event.root files) in the form of StEvtVtxSeedMaker, and MuDst (MuDst.root files) in StMuDstVtxSeedMaker. The latter may be an issue in that it introduces a dependency upon loading MuDst libs when loading the StPass0CalibMaker lib (add "MuDST" option to chain).
Using the FastOffline files, I wanted to see which triggers would be usable. There is the obvious choice of the ppMinBias trigger. But these are not heavily recorded: there may be perhaps 1000 per run. So fills with just a few runs may have insufficient stats to get a good measure of the beamline. Essentially, ALL ppMinBias triggers would need to be examined, which means ALL pp files with these triggers! While performing the pass on the data files does not take long, getting every file off HPSS and providing disk space would be an issue. Discussions with pp analysis folks gave me an indication that several other triggers may lead to preferential z locations of collision vertices (towards one end or the other), but no transverse biases. This is acceptable, but I wanted to be sure it was true. I spent some time looking at the FastOffline files to compare the different triggers, but kept running into the problem of insufficient statistics from the ppMinBias triggers (the prime reason for using the special triggers!). Here's an example of a comparison between the triggers:
X vs. Z, and Y vs. Z:
(black points are profiles of vertices from ppMinBias triggers 96011, red are special triggers 962xx, where xx=[11,21,33,51,61,72,82])
Using minbias+special triggers from about 1000 MuDst files available on disk, here's what we get:
This can be compared to similar plots for Run 4 (pp), Run 3 (200 GeV dAu and pp), and Run 2 (200 GeV pp).
The trigger IDs I used were:
96201 : bemc-ht1-mb 96211 : bemc-ht2-mb 96221 : bemc-jp1-mb 96233 : bemc-jp2-mb 96251 : eemc-ht1-mb 96261 : eemc-ht2-mb 96272 : eemc-jp1-mb-a 96282 : eemc-jp2-mb-a 96011 : ppMinBias 20 : Jpsi 22 : upsilon
Calibrating the current pp data for 2005 will mean processing about 5000 files, daq or MuDst.
To make sure we had all the final calibrations in place (TPC drift velocity in particular), we ran the calibration pass over the DAQ files. This produced the following intercepts and slopes from the full pass and aggregation:
I removed a few outliers and came up with this set, which went into the DB:
Jerome reminds me that we are still missing the high energy pp run, sqrt(s)=410 GeV. Lidia reminds me we are missing the ppTrans data. So, I did those two and added a few statistics to fills we had already done. The result is this:
#!/bin/csh set sdir = ./StarDb/Calibrations/rhic set tdir = ./txt set files = `ls -1 $sdir/*.C` set vs = (x0 err_x0 y0 err_y0 dxdz err_dxdz dydz err_dydz stats) set len = 0 set ofile = "" set dummy = "aa bb" # Necessary instantiation to make each element of oline a string with spaces set oline = ( \ "aa bb" "aa bb" "aa bb" "aa bb" "aa bb" "aa bb" "aa bb" "aa bb" "aa bb" "aa bb" \ "aa bb" "aa bb" "aa bb" "aa bb" "aa bb" "aa bb" "aa bb" "aa bb" "aa bb" "aa bb" \ "aa bb" "aa bb" "aa bb" "aa bb" "aa bb" "aa bb" "aa bb" "aa bb" "aa bb" "aa bb" \ "aa bb" "aa bb" "aa bb" "aa bb" "aa bb" "aa bb" "aa bb" "aa bb" "aa bb" "aa bb" \ "aa bb" "aa bb" "aa bb" "aa bb" "aa bb" "aa bb" "aa bb" "aa bb" "aa bb" "aa bb" \ "aa bb" "aa bb" "aa bb" "aa bb" "aa bb" "aa bb" "aa bb" "aa bb" "aa bb" "aa bb" \ "aa bb" "aa bb" "aa bb" "aa bb" "aa bb" "aa bb" "aa bb" "aa bb" "aa bb" "aa bb" \ "aa bb" "aa bb" "aa bb" "aa bb" "aa bb" "aa bb" "aa bb" "aa bb" "aa bb" "aa bb" \ "aa bb" "aa bb" "aa bb" "aa bb" "aa bb" "aa bb" "aa bb" "aa bb" "aa bb" "aa bb" \ "aa bb" "aa bb" "aa bb" "aa bb" "aa bb" "aa bb" "aa bb" "aa bb" "aa bb" "aa bb" \ ) set firstTime = 1 set newString = "" foreach vv ($vs) set ofile = $tdir/${vv}.txt touch $ofile rm $ofile touch $ofile set va = "row.$vv" set fnum = 0 foreach file ($files) @ fnum = $fnum + 1 set vb = `cat $file | fgrep $va` set vc = $vb[3] @ len = `echo $vc | wc -c` - 1 set vd = `echo $vc | colrm $len` echo $vd >> $ofile if ($firstTime) then set newString = "$vd" else set newString = "${oline[${fnum}]} $vd" endif set oline[$fnum] = "$newString" end set firstTime = 0 end set ff = (date.time days) set vf foreach fff ($ff) set vg = $tdir/${fff}.txt set vf = ($vf $vg) touch $vg rm $vg touch $vg end set ofile = ${tdir}/full.txt touch $ofile rm $ofile touch $ofile set days = 0 set frac = 0 set fnum = 0 foreach file ($files) @ len = `echo $file | wc -c` - 18 set dt = `echo $file | colrm 1 $len | colrm 16` set year = `echo $file | colrm 1 $len | colrm 5` @ len = $len + 4 set month = `echo $file | colrm 1 $len | colrm 3` @ len = $len + 2 set day = `echo $file | colrm 1 $len | colrm 3` @ len = $len + 3 set hour = `echo $file | colrm 1 $len | colrm 3` @ len = $len + 2 set min = `echo $file | colrm 1 $len | colrm 3` @ len = $len + 2 set sec = `echo $file | colrm 1 $len | colrm 3` set modi = 0 # Feb has 28 = 31-3 days (this is a leap year) if ($month > 2) @ modi += 2 # Apr,Jun,Sep,Nov have 30 = 31-1 days if ($month > 4) @ modi += 1 if ($month > 6) @ modi += 1 if ($month > 9) @ modi += 1 if ($month > 11) @ modi += 1 echo $modi # convert to seconds since 01-Jan-2005 EST (5 hours behind GMT) @ year = $year - 2005 @ month = ($month + ($year * 12)) - 1 @ day = $day + ($month * 31) - $modi @ hour = ($hour + ($day * 24)) - 5 @ min = $min + ($hour * 60) @ sec = $sec + ($min * 60) # convert to days since 01-Jan-2005 EST (5 hours behind GMT) @ days = $sec / 86400 @ sec = $sec - ($days * 86400) @ frac = ($sec * 10000) / 864 set fra = "$frac" set len = `echo $fra | wc -c` @ len = 7 - $len while ($len > 0) set fra = "0${fra}" @ len = $len - 1 end echo $dt >> $vf[1] echo ${days}.$fra >> $vf[2] @ fnum = $fnum + 1 echo "${days}.$fra ${oline[${fnum}]} $dt" >> $ofile end
-- N evts per run, where N is the numerator at the end of the last line select floor(bi.blueFillNumber) as fill, sum(ts.numberOfEvents/ds.numberOfFiles) as gdEvtPerFile, ds.numberOfFiles, sum(dt.numberOfEvents*ts.numberOfEvents/ds.numberOfEvents) as gdInFile, dt.file, rd.glbSetupName -- -- from daqFileTag as dt left join l0TriggerSet as ts on ts.runNumber=dt.run left join runDescriptor as rd on rd.runNumber=dt.run left join daqSummary as ds on ds.runNumber=dt.run left join beamInfo as bi on bi.runNumber=dt.run left join detectorSet as de on de.runNumber=dt.run left join runStatus as rs on rs.runNumber=dt.run left join magField as mf on mf.runNumber=dt.run -- -- -- where (bi.blueFillNumber=3458 or bi.blueFillNumber=3459) where rd.runNumber>6083000 and ds.numberOfFiles>1 and de.detectorID=0 and mf.scaleFactor!=0 -- USING pp-minbias triggers to identify nevents/file and (ts.name='ppMinBias' or ts.name='bemc-ht1-mb' or ts.name='bemc-ht2-mb' or ts.name='bemc-jp1-mb' or ts.name='bemc-jp2-mb' or ts.name='eemc-ht1-mb' or ts.name='eemc-ht2-mb' or ts.name='eemc-jp1-mb-a' or ts.name='eemc-jp2-mb-a' or ts.name='upsilon' or ts.name='Jpsi') -- and rs.shiftLeaderStatus=0 and rs.shiftLeaderStatus<=0 and bi.entryTag=0 -- USE DAQ100 filestreams and ((dt.fileStream between 101 and 104) or (dt.fileStream between 201 and 204)) -- and dt.file like 'st_physics_6%' -- USE these trigger setups and (rd.glbSetupName='ppProduction' or rd.glbSetupName='ppProductionMinBias') -- -- group by dt.file having (@t4:=sum(dt.numberOfEvents*ts.numberOfEvents/ds.numberOfEvents))>60 and (@t3:=mod(avg(dt.filesequence+(10*dt.fileStream)),(@t2:=floor(sum(ts.numberOfEvents)/10000.0)+1)))=0 ;
Here is another plot of the the y vs. z data and its profile for low and high zdc rates where one can gain some perspective on the true spread of the data and the scale of the profile relative to it.
These plots show several points:
Uncorrected | July corrections | August corrections |
Full TPC y = -0.060040 +/- 0.009377 Minimum y = -0.179608 Maximum y = 0.056453 |
Full TPC y = -0.266030 +/- 0.004800 Minimum y = -0.276851 Maximum y = -0.245626 |
Full TPC y = -0.259742 +/- 0.002232 Minimum y = -0.263649 Maximum y = -0.241834 |
The interest of doing a beamline constraint for this data (200 GeV AuAu) has been expressed mainly for reconstructing UPC vertices. Perhaps there may be eventual interest in using it for very peripheral collisions as well (AuAu hadronic interactions with just a few participants).
Using minbias triggers from 206 fills starting with fill 8477 (day 95, April 5, 2007). The query used to find runs is attached.
Here are the results of the calibration pass:
I have studied dependencies on luminosity (none seen, I am using luminosity scaler-based corrections for SpaceCharge and GridLeak in the calibration passes), vertex ranking (none seen for ranking greater than -3), and multiplicity (none seen for multiplicities above 50). I also tested using the EbyE SpaceCharge+GridLeak correction method and there's no effect versus using the luminosity scaler-based method for this calibration.
There are some notable issues, particularly around days 143 (fills 8838-8845), 150 (fill 8878), and 156 (fill 8912). Fill 8912 in particular looks pretty bad, and I see particularly notable backgrounds in the BBC singles and ZDC east singles rates (which don't show up in the coincidence rates). Here's the log10 of BBC singles sum, with fill 8912 highlighted in red:
Another diagnostic for the quality of the data is to look at the spread of reconstructed vertices. So here are the mean (blue markers) and spread (red lines) of primary vertex x (top) and y (bottom) positions versus fill for vertices with abs(z) < 10cm (the black circles denote the locations of fills 8838-8845 and 8912, and the errors on the means are too small to be seen on these plots). Vertices have been weighted by sqrt(multiplicity).
There are a few with spreads of about 1mm or more, and I am still looking into these.
Dec. 8, 2007
The following fills have been dropped from use after studies:
8478 - large transverse spread in vertex reconstruction, using previous fill 8491 - large transverse spread in vertex reconstruction, using previous fill 8592 - odd slope, previous fill (8590) just as good 8761 - bogus fill number - using 8762 8838,8844,8845 - high backgrounds at start of RFF running, using next fill 8849 8878 - questionable backgrounds, using previous fill (8875) 8879 - large transverse spread in vertex reconstruction, using 8875 also 8890 - odd slope, previous fill (8889) just as good 8900,8901 - odd slope, previous fill (8897) just as good 8912 - high backgrounds, using previous fill 9024 - large transverse spread in vertex reconstruction, using previous fill
The remaining tables have been inserted into the DB, and the final plot of values is as follows:
BeamLine for dAu
BeamLine for pp
This calibration work was discussed at two Software & Computing meetings (You do not have access to view this node,You do not have access to view this node). After resolving an issue with reading the triggers in early runs from before day 348 (December 14, 2007), the calibration was completed using the following "oval" cuts (the cut forms something like an oval curve in the mult vs. rank space) on the output ntuple from the StVertexSeedMaker code to avoid pileup vertex contributions:
One additional note is that fill 9307 starting on November 30 looked like it might have some useful data, but I did not successfully get enough data to calibrate it. So I will use the next physics fill (9311) as the calibration for 9307 as well in case that data is used.
The result of the final calibration can be seen in this plot:
The query file to pick out runs is attached below.
The preliminary pp calibration was done using a simple rank and multiplicity cut:
with results as seen here:
After studying the data from day 49 (February 18) and after, it did not appear that there were any significant changes to the actual beam tune. The most difficult obstacle was to overcome the significant amounts of pileup in the data, for which the ranking given by the Minuit vertex finder was of little help (as a reminder, PPV (the "pileup-proof vertex finder") does not work without a BeamLine constraint, and so cannot be used to calibrate the BeamLine).
Additional confusion resulted from whether trigger selections could be made which were truly helpful. For example, a minbias vertex should represent the least amount of biasing in vertex selections, but high-tower triggered events will have better discrimination power against pileup vertices. Because my studies showed that pileup tended to bring the value of x0 lower, and high-tower triggered events always gave a higher x0 than minbias or fmsslow events, I decided to go with the high-tower triggers and used a stringent set of cuts on all of the data from day 49 and after to find a single calibration set:
Of further note, the width I attributed to the beam collision zone itself had some bearing on the resulting fit. In the end, I used 400 microns as this intrinsic width. So I believe the calibration for all pp data from February 18 through March 10 as a single set is rather well determined. Larger fluctuations in the operating conditions of the collider occurred in days prior to day 49, so it is not clear that improvements can be made in the calibration of that earlier pp data which would be worth their effort in terms of physics gains.
The final calibration set then appears as follows, with all data from days 49-70 represented by a single calibration set.
The query file to pick out runs is attached below.
G. Van Buren
The calibration production pass used the entire low energy AuAu dataset with the chain: "VtxSeedCalG,B2008,ITTF,VFMinuit,Corr4". Only 2 fills were found - apparently the collider folks did not update their fill numbers because judging from the BBC coincidence rate vs. time (shown here as seconds since Nov. 25, 2007 00:00:00) there were at least 14 fills during which we took runs (shown in red):
Despite having a cut at r^2 < 15 cm^2 for the vertices used, the beampipe is still clearly seen in low multiplicity collisions:
Here is log10(r^2) vs. log10(mult):
I proceeded with a cut at r^2 < 1.6 cm^2 and began to calibrate these 14 fills when I noticed that run 9071070 has a clearly different y distribution than run 9071067, despite the two appearing to me to be in the same fill from their BBC coincidence rate:
Here is a blowup of that fill's BBC rate where the following runs (last 2 digits of the run number only) are shown: 67 (red), 68 (green), 70 (blue), 72 (magenta):
The Electronic Shift Log includes a note for run 70: "Beam cogged at STAR." I decided to treat run 70 as it's own fill and got the following distribution for the beamline constraints of the 14 fills (14 original, plus the run 70 one, minus one which simply had far too few statistics):
Based upon the variations and time gaps seen in the above plot, I decided to group these into 4 "super-fills" as runs:
The result is shown here:
I have additionally tried to separate the calibration by trigger ID:
In the lowEnergy2008 setup, 1 = bbc-ctb, and 2 = bbc.
In the bbcvpd setup, 1 = bbc, and 2 = vpd.
In all cases, there were too few with id = 2 to make a solid calibration, but the distributions from both id values were consistent enough to say that no evidence of biases from the triggers can be identified.
Lastly, after subtracting off the z dependence, and weighting each vertex by the sqrt of the multiplicity, I find distributions which are well-described by Gaussians all giving sigmas of about 1.5mm in x and y. Shown are these distributions for the 4 fills in chronological order from top to bottom, x on the left, y on the right:
Run 9:
The old method was used for the following datasets:
A new 3D method was You do not have access to view this node and used for the following:
The old method was Run 9: pp500 Low Luminosity Fill, but that fill was still at a relatively high luminosity for calibration work (too much pile-up) and the result was not kept, instead using the new method's results.
The results as uploaded to the database for Run 9 are plotted here. Major features are the discontinuity between pp500 and pp200 around day 103, the reversal of the magnetic field on day 147, and the switch to pp2pp running around day 180. Also visible are larger errors bars for calibrations using the old method as the new method took advantage of large data productions, improving statistical accuracy.
The query used to obtain files for the pp2pp data is attached.
The low luminosity fill was taken using runs 10083130, 133, 139, and 143, with BBC coincidence rates of ~50 kHz, using the BBCMB trigger. Offline QA plots showed evidence for pileup, so I looked for cuts to remove the pileup from the vertex position data (note also that there is some SpaceCharge in this data, which I have not corrected for this exercise, in hopes that any Update on 2006 issues are negligible at this point).
Triggered vertices are usually pretty well centered about z=0 (and the Offline QA plots confirmed that), so the best place to distinguish pileup vertices is at large z (though the vertex seed code stops at +/-100cm). In this particular data, I saw more evidence of pileup in the x positions of the vertices than the y positions. As usual, the Minuit vertex-finder (VFMinuit) was used for the calibration, and I believe its settings remain the same from Run 8.
Here is the mean x position (weighted by 1/errorx) vs. multiplicity (vertical) and rank (horizontal) for 60cm < z < 100cm:
There appears to be a yellow plateau at high rank and multiplicity (with statistical fluctuations at the highest multiplicities), suggesting pileup effects at low rank and multiplicity. Further evidence can be seen by looking at the x positions vs. multiplicity for various z ranges (left: z>80, middle: -5<z<5, right: z<-80):
The pileup vertices do not extend as high in multiplicity as triggered vertices, and appear to go from small x (near 0) at large positive z, to x of about 0.8cm at large negative z. This can be seen more clearly in these x vs. z plots for low and high multiplicity (< or > 20, rank<1, histogram maxima are reduced to show low-level contours):
The following cut was chosen to remove the pileup vertices: (rank>1 || (rank>-2&&mult>30))
And the following beamline resulted:
row.x0 = 0.3927906; // cm : x intercept of x vs z line ;
row.dxdz = 0.0009458358; // : slope of x vs z line ;
row.y0 = 0.009295804; // cm : y intercept of y vs z line ;
row.dydz = -3.624923e-05; // : slope of y vs z line ;
row.err_x0 = 0.0003158423; // cm : error on x0 ;
row.err_dxdz = 1.025515e-05; // : error on dxdz ;
row.err_y0 = 0.0003118244; // cm : error on y0 ;
row.err_dydz = 1.011097e-05; // : error on dydz ;
row.chisq_dof = 4.451982; // chi square / dof of fit ;
This is now in the DB.
It may be of interest to note that the pileup vertices do show opposite slopes in both x and y vs. z than the non-pileup. In fact, without the described cut in place, the overall BeamLine fit obtains the opposite slope, obviating the necessity of the cut.
Below are the resulting beamline intercept parameters with the new calibration from 2012. The black markers were removed due to low
The slope parameters:
The direct comparison to the previously used 3D method shows some systematic differences. This could be either due to the new calibration parameters or due to systematics between the methods itself. We have compared the results from the 2D method for the new and old calibration parameters and could not find significant differences. Below are the values for old and new for one daq file (st_physics_10156091_raw_8030002.daq) and 5000 analyzed events. The pile up was always suppressed by requireing the highest ranked vertex.
parameter | old | new |
x | 0.3613 | 0.3651 |
y | -0.004416 | -0.01654 |
dxdz | 0.001005 | 0.001096 |
dydz | 9.934157e-05 | 0.0001507 |
It was decided to use the 2D results for the parametrization of the beamline. All parameters were uploaded to the database with +1 second offset to the timestamp.