Monte Carlo production datasets


                                       Monte Carlo Production Datasets

pp 200GeV, PYTHIA v. 6.410, di-jet simulation setting, year 2004y geometry production


  • pp200/pythia6_410/7_9gev/bin1/y2004y/gheisha_on - (rcf1312)
  • pp200/pythia6_410/9_11gev/bin2/y2004y/gheisha_on - (rcf1313)
  • pp200/pythia6_410/11_15gev/bin3/y2004y/gheisha_on - (rcf1314)
  • pp200/pythia6_410/11_15gev/bin4/y2004y/gheisha_on - (rcf1315)
  • pp200/pythia6_410/11_15gev/bin5/y2004y/gheisha_on - (rcf1316)

    for 'bin' setting check Drupal page

Production Series

  • P07ic, run with library SL07c
    reconstruction chain has been run through tpc (trs), ftpc(slow simulator), bbc, tof, EMC (full barrel), EEMC; ITTF chain with vertex finder option 'VFPPV', no sdt timestamp was used for TPC RDO mask;
    Production was done on PDSF using GRID infrastructure.

pp 200GeV, PYTHIA v. 6.410, year 2006c geometry production

GEANT simulation run through tpc, svt, ssd, ftpc, TOF, pVPD, ftpc, EMC full barrel, ECAL (two caps), bbc, pmd, fpd, GHEISHA was used in simulation, positive full field


  • pp200/pythia6_410/3_4gev/cdf_a/y2006c/gheisha_on - (rcf1318)
  • pp200/pythia6_410/4_5gev/cdf_a/y2006c/gheisha_on - (rcf1317)
  • pp200/pythia6_410/5_7gev/cdf_a/y2006c/gheisha_on - (rcf1311)
  • pp200/pythia6_410/7_9gev/cdf_a/y2006c/gheisha_on - (rcf1310)
  • pp200/pythia6_410/9_11gev/cdf_a/y2006c/gheisha_on - (rcf1309)
  • pp200/pythia6_410/11_15gev/cdf_a/y2006c/gheisha_on - (rcf1308)
  • pp200/pythia6_410/15_25gev/cdf_a/y2006c/gheisha_on - (rcf1307)
  • pp200/pythia6_410/25_35gev/cdf_a/y2006c/gheisha_on - (rcf1306)
  • pp200/pythia6_410/35_45gev/cdf_a/y2006c/gheisha_on - (rcf1303)
  • pp200/pythia6_410/45_55gev/cdf_a/y2006c/gheisha_on - (rcf1302)
  • pp200/pythia6_410/55_65gev/cdf_a/y2006c/gheisha_on - (rcf1304)
  • pp200/pythia6_410/minbias/cdf_a/y2006c/gheisha_on - (rcf1319)

Production Series

  • P07ic, run with library SL07c
    reconstruction chain has been run through tpc (trs), ftpc(slow simulator), bbc, tof, EMC (full barrel), EEMC; ITTF chain with vertex finder option 'VFPPV' was used and sdt timestamp = sdt20050727;
    Production was done on PDSF using GRID infrastructure .

pp 62GeV, PYTHIA v. 6.410, year 2006c geometry production

GEANT simulation run through tpc, svt, ssd, ftpc, TOF, pVPD, ftpc, EMC full barrel, ECAL (two caps), bbc, pmd, fpd, GHEISHA was used in simulation, positive full field


  • pp200/pythia6_410/3_4gev/cdf_a/y2006c/gheisha_on - (rcf1318)
  • pp200/pythia6_410/4_5gev/cdf_a/y2006c/gheisha_on - (rcf1317)
  • pp200/pythia6_410/5_7gev/cdf_a/y2006c/gheisha_on - (rcf1311)
  • pp200/pythia6_410/7_9gev/cdf_a/y2006c/gheisha_on - (rcf1310)
  • pp200/pythia6_410/9_11gev/cdf_a/y2006c/gheisha_on - (rcf1309)
  • pp200/pythia6_410/11_15gev/cdf_a/y2006c/gheisha_on - (rcf1308)
  • pp200/pythia6_410/15_25gev/cdf_a/y2006c/gheisha_on - (rcf1307)
  • pp200/pythia6_410/25_35gev/cdf_a/y2006c/gheisha_on - (rcf1306)
  • pp200/pythia6_410/35_45gev/cdf_a/y2006c/gheisha_on - (rcf1303)
  • pp200/pythia6_410/45_55gev/cdf_a/y2006c/gheisha_on - (rcf1302)
  • pp200/pythia6_410/55_65gev/cdf_a/y2006c/gheisha_on - (rcf1304)
  • pp200/pythia6_410/minbias/cdf_a/y2006c/gheisha_on - (rcf1319)

Production Series

  • P07ic, run with library SL07c
    reconstruction chain has been run through tpc (trs), ftpc(slow simulator), bbc, tof, EMC (full barrel), EEMC; ITTF chain with vertex finder option 'VFPPV' was used and sdt timestamp = sdt20050727;
    Production was done on PDSF using GRID infrastructure .

AuAu 200GeV, HIJING, central events production with year 2007 geometry  

Next datasets have been produced:

- HIJING + embedded B0 mesons;
- HIJING + embedded B+ mesons;
- HIJING + embedded Upsilons(1S, 2S, 3S) ;

GEANT simulation run through tpc, svt, ssd, ftpc, updated tof, new upVPD, EMC full barrel, ECAL (two caps), bbc, fpd/fms, pmd, GHEISHA was used in simulation, positive full field


  • auau200/hijing_382/b0_3/central/y2007/gheisha_on - (rcf1296)

    files rcf1296*evts.MuDst.root - hijing, no embedded data;
    files rcf1296*70_mix.MuDst.root - hijing with embedded B0 mesons;
    files rcf1296*72_mix.MuDst.root - hijing with embedded B+ mesons;
    files rcf1296*70.MuDst.root - sinle B0 mesons;
    files rcf1296*72.MuDst.root - single B+ mesons;

    files rcf1296*164_mix.MuDst.root - hijing with embedded Upsilons (S1);
    files rcf1296*165_mix.MuDst.root - hijing with embedded Upsilons (S2);
    files rcf1296*166_mix.MuDst.root - hijing with embedded Upsilons (S3);

Production Series

  • P07ia, run with library SL07a
    reconstruction chains have been run through tpc (trs), svt(srs), ssd, ftpc(slow simulator), bbc, tof, EMC (full barrel), EEMC; ITTF chain was used with TPC+SVT+SSD tracking;
    datasets with embedded Upsilons have been run tpc (trs), bbc, tof, EMC (full barrel), EEMC; ITTF TPC tracking only.

pp 200GeV, PYTHIA v.6.205, year 2006 geometry production

Five datasets have been produced: pp200 PYTHIA, pp200 PYTHIA + embedded J/Psi, Upsilons (1S,2S,3S) ;
GEANT simulation run through tpc (trs), svt (3 layers, more material), ssd, ctb(tof: two trays TOFp, TOFr), pVPD, ftpc, EMC full barrel, ECAL (two caps), bbc, fpd, pmd, GHEISHA was used in simulation, positive full field


  • pp200/pythia6_205/Upsminbias/cdf_a/y2006/gheisha_on - (rcf1275)

    files rcf1275*evts.MuDst.root - pythia, no embedded data;
    files rcf1275*160.mix.MuDst.root - pythia with embedded J/Psi;
    files rcf1275*161.mix.MuDst.root - pythia with embedded Upsilons (S1) ;
    files rcf1275*162.mix.MuDst.root - pythia with embedded Upsilons (S2) ;
    files rcf1275*163.mix.MuDst.root - pythia with embedded Upsilons (S3) ;

Production Series

  • P06id, run with library SL06d
    reconstruction chain has been run through tpc (trs), ftpc(slow simulator), bbc, tof, EMC (full barrel), EEMC, chain: ITTF

cucu 200GeV, HIJING, year 2006 geometry production

Two datasets have been produced: HIJING and HIJING + embedded D0;
GEANT simulation run through tpc (trs), svt (3 layers, more material), ssd, ctb(tof: two trays TOFp, TOFr), pVPD, ftpc, EMC full barrel, ECAL (two caps), bbc, fpd, pmd, GHEISHA was used in simulation, positive full field


  • cucu200/hijing_382/b0_14/minbias/y2006/gheisha_on - (rcf1261)

            files rcf1261*evts.MuDst.root - hijing, no embedded data; 
            files rcf1261*37_mix.MuDst.root - hijing with embedded D0 mesons;
            files rcf1261*37.MuDst.root - single D0 mesons;

  • cucu200/hijing_382/b0_14/D0minbias/y2006/gheisha_on - (rcf1272)

    files rcf1272*37_mix.MuDst.root - hijing with embedded D0 mesons;
    files rcf1272*37.MuDst.root - single D0 mesons;

Production Series

  • P06id, run with library SL06d
    two reconstruction chains have been run:
    - run through tpc (trs), ftpc(slow simulator), bbc, tof, EMC (full barrel), EEMC, chain: ITTF
    - run through tpc (trs), svt(srs), ssd, ftpc(slow simulator), bbc, tof, EMC (full barrel), EEMC, chain: ITTF with SVT & SSD tracking

cucu 62GeV, HIJING, year 2006 geometry production

Two datasets have been produced: HIJING and HIJING + embedded D0;
GEANT simulation run through tpc (trs), svt (3 layers, more material), ssd, ctb(tof: two trays TOFp, TOFr), pVPD, ftpc, EMC full barrel, ECAL (two caps), bbc, fpd, pmd, GHEISHA was used in simulation, positive full field


  • cucu62/hijing_382/b0_14/minbias/y2006/gheisha_on - (rcf1262)

    files rcf1262*evts.MuDst.root - hijing, no embedded data;
    files rcf1262*37_mix.MuDst.root - hijing with embedded D0 mesons ;
    files rcf1262*37.MuDst.root - single D0 mesons;

Production Series

  • P06ic, run with library SL06c
    two reconstruction chains have been run:
    - run through tpc (trs), ftpc(slow simulator), bbc, tof, EMC (full barrel), EEMC, chain: ITTF
    - run through tpc (trs), svt(srs), ssd, ftpc(slow simulator), bbc, tof, EMC (full barrel), EEMC, chain: ITTF with SVT & SSD tracking

Single pi0 & J/psi simulation with year 2005x geometry

using phase space generator to study SVT material effect on e+e- properties and J/psi measurement.
GEANT simulation run through tpc (trs), svt (3 layers, more material) on/off, ftpc, EMC full barrel, ECAL (two caps), bbc, tof, GHEISHA was used in simulation, positive full field


  • 100pi0/gkine/200mev_15gev/svtt_on/y2005x/gheisha_on - (rcf1238)
  • 100pi0/gkine/200mev_15gev/svtt_off/y2005x/gheisha_on - (rcf1239)
  • 10jpsi/gkine/500mev_3gev/svtt_on/y2005x/gheisha_on - (rcf1240)
  • 10jpsi/gkine/500mev_3gev/svtt_off/y2005x/gheisha_on - (rcf1241)
Description of those datasets could be found on the simulation Web page ('Simulation plan' on the left frame) 

Production Series

  • P05if, run with library SL05f
    reconstruction run through tpc (trs), svt(fast simulator) + est (on/off), ftpc(slow simulator), bbc, tof, EMC, EEMC, chain: TPT + EST

cucu 200GeV, HIJING, year 2005x geometry production

GEANT simulation run through tpc (trs), svt (3 layers, more material), ssd, ctb(tof: two trays TOFp, TOFr), pVPD, ftpc, EMC full barrel, ECAL (two caps), bbc, fpd, pmd, GHEISHA was used in simulation, positive full field


  • cucu200/hijing_382/b0_14/minbias/y2005x/gheisha_on - (rcf1216)

Production Series

  • P05ib, run with library SL05b
    reconstruction run through tpc (trs), svt(fast simulator) + est, ftpc(slow simulator), bbc, tof, EMC, EEMC, chain: TPT + EST

pp 200GeV, HERWIG v.6507, year 2004y geometry

with improved event header and interface with starsim, setting description could be found on the simulation Web page ('Data' on the left panel) 


  • pp200/herwig6507/2_3gev/special3/y2004y/gheisha_on - (rcf1255)
  • pp200/herwig6507/3_4gev/special3/y2004y/gheisha_on - (rcf1256)
  • pp200/herwig6507/4_5gev/special3/y2004y/gheisha_on - (rcf1257)
  • pp200/herwig6507/5_7gev/special3/y2004y/gheisha_on - (rcf1258)
  • pp200/herwig6507/7_9gev/special3/y2004y/gheisha_on - (rcf1259)
  • pp200/herwig6507/9_11gev/special3/y2004y/gheisha_on - (rcf1250)
  • pp200/herwig6507/11_15gev/special3/y2004y/gheisha_on - (rcf1251)
  • pp200/herwig6507/15_25gev/special3/y2004y/gheisha_on - (rcf1252)
  • pp200/herwig6507/25_35gev/special3/y2004y/gheisha_on - (rcf1253)
  • pp200/herwig6507/35_100gev/special3/y2004y/gheisha_on - (rcf1254)


pp 200GeV, HERWIG v.6507, year 2004y geometry

with special setting which could be found on the simulation Web page ('Simulation plan' on the left frame) 


  • pp200/herwig6507/5_7gev/special1/y2004y/gheisha_on - (rcf1236)
  • pp200/herwig6507/9_11gev/special1/y2004y/gheisha_on - (rcf1244)
  • pp200/herwig6507/11_15gev/special1/y2004y/gheisha_on - (rcf1245)
  • pp200/herwig6507/15_25gev/special1/y2004y/gheisha_on - (rcf1246)
  • pp200/herwig6507/25_35gev/special1/y2004y/gheisha_on - (rcf1247)
  • pp200/herwig6507/35_45gev/special1/y2004y/gheisha_on - (rcf1248)

Production Series

  • P05ie, run with library SL05e
    reconstruction run through tpc, ftpc(slow simulator), bbc, tof, EMC, EEMC. TPT tracking + EGR vertex finder has been used in reconstruction;
    TPC RDO mask for run 2004 was used with timestamp sdt20040427

pp 200GeV, PYTHIA v.6.205 and v.6.203, year 2004c/2004y geometry

with special pythia setting which could be found on the simulation Web page ('Simulation plan' on the left frame)


  • pp200/pythia6_203/default/special2/y2004y/gheisha_on - (rcf1222, test production)
  • pp200/pythia6_203/default/special2/y2004y/gcalor_on - (rcf1223, test production)
  • pp200/pythia6_205/0_2gev/cdf_a/y2004y/gheisha_on - (rcf1273)
  • pp200/pythia6_205/2_3gev/cdf_a/y2004y/gheisha_on - (rcf1231)
  • pp200/pythia6_205/3_4gev/cdf_a/y2004y/gheisha_on - (rcf1232)
  • pp200/pythia6_205/4_5gev/cdf_a/y2004y/gheisha_on - (rcf1233)
  • pp200/pythia6_205/5_7gev/cdf_a/y2004y/gheisha_on - (rcf1224)
  • pp200/pythia6_205/7_9gev/cdf_a/y2004y/gheisha_on - (rcf1225)
  • pp200/pythia6_205/9_11gev/cdf_a/y2004y/gheisha_on - (rcf1226)
  • pp200/pythia6_205/11_15gev/cdf_a/y2004y/gheisha_on - (rcf1227)
  • pp200/pythia6_205/15_25gev/cdf_a/y2004y/gheisha_on - (rcf1228)
  • pp200/pythia6_205/25_35gev/cdf_a/y2004y/gheisha_on - (rcf1229)
  • pp200/pythia6_205/above_35gev/cdf_a/y2004y/gheisha_on - (rcf1230)
  • pp200/pythia6_205/low_energy/cdf_a/y2004y/gheisha_on - (rcf1234)
  • pp200/pythia6_205/min_bias/cdf_a/y2004y/gheisha_on - (rcf1235)
  • pp200/pythia6_205/45_55gev/cdf_a/y2004y/gheisha_on - (rcf1270)
  • pp200/pythia6_205/55_65gev/cdf_a/y2004y/gheisha_on - (rcf1271)

Production Series

  • P05ie, run with library SL05e
    reconstruction run through tpc, ftpc(slow simulator), bbc, tof, EMC, EEMC. TPT tracking + EGR vertex finder has been used in reconstruction;
    TPC RDO mask for run 2004 was used with timestamp sdt20040427
  • P05ih, run with library SL05h
    reconstruction run through tpc, ftpc(slow simulator), bbc, tof, EMC, EEMC. ITTF tracking + PPV vertex finder has been used in reconstruction and TPC RDO + EMC tower mask with timestamp sdt20050727 for run 2005;
    dataset rcf1273 has been run only in P05ih production by request ;


  • pp200/pythia6_203/default/special1/y2004c/gheisha_on - (rcf1219)
  • pp200/pythia6_203/default/special2/y2004c/gheisha_on - (rcf1220)
  • pp200/pythia6_203/default/special3/y2004c/gheisha_on - (rcf1221)  

Production Series

  • P05id, run with library SL05d
    reconstruction run through tpc, ftpc(slow simulator), bbc, tof, EMC, EEMC. TPT tracking + EGR vertex finder has been used in reconstruction

pp 200GeV, PYTHIA, v.6.203, year 2004a/2004x geometry, minbias and high Pt trigger datasets

year 2004a geometry includes GEANT simulation running through tpc, svt (3 layers), ctb(tof: two trays TOFp, TOFr), pVPD, ftpc, EMC 3/4 of full barrel, ECAL (west cap), bbc, fpd, pmd, GHEISHA was used for simulation of hadronic interactions, positive full field
year 2004x geometry includes GEANT simulation running through tpc, svt (3 layers), ctb(tof: two trays TOFp, TOFr), pVPD, ftpc, EMC full barrel, ECAL (two caps), bbc, fpd, pmd, GHEISHA, positive full field


  • pp200/pythia6_203/default/minbias/y2004a/gheisha_on - (rcf1210)
  • pp200/pythia6_203/default/minbias/y2004x/gheisha_on - (rcf1211)
  • pp200/pythia6_203/default/pt15/y2004x/gheisha_on - ( pt > 15 GeV/c) - (rcf1214, pds1214)
  • pp200/pythia6_205/default/pt7/y2004x/gheisha_on - ( pt > 7 GeV/c) - (rcf1213)
  • pp200/pythia6_203/default/pt3/y2004x/gheisha_on - ( pt > 3 GeV/c) - (rcf1212, pds1212)

Production Series

  • P04ij, run with library SL04j
    reconstruction run through tpc, svt(fast simulator), ftpc(slow simulator), bbc, tof, EMC, EEMC, PMD, ITTF chain has been used

auau 200GeV, HIJING, year 2004 geometry production

GEANT simulation run through tpc, svt (3 layers), ctb(tof: two trays TOFp, TOFr), pVPD, ftpc, EMC 3/4 of full barrel, ECAL (west cap), bbc, fpd, pmd, GHEISHA was used in simulation, positive full field


  • auau200/hijing_382/b0_20/minbias/y2004a/gheisha_on - (rcf1208)
  • auau200/hijing_382/b0_3/central/y2004a/gheisha_on - (rcf1209)
  • auau200/hijing_382/b0_3/diamond60-30/y2004a/gheisha_on - (rcf1218)

Production Series

  • P04ie, run with library SL04e
    reconstruction run through tpc, svt(fast simulator) + est, ftpc(slow simulator), bbc, tof, EMC, EEMC, PMD, chain: TPT + EST
  • P04ij, run with library SL04j
    ITTF chain + all of the above detectors have been processed, small statistics, ~2000 minbias events

auau 62GeV, HIJING, year 2004 geometry production

GEANT simulation run through tpc, svt (3 layers), ctb(tof: two trays TOFp, TOFr), pVPD, ftpc, EMC 3/4 of full barrel, ECAL (west cap), bbc, fpd, pmd, GHEISHA was used in simulation, positive full field


  • auau62/hijing_382/b0_20/minbias/y2004/gheisha_on - (rcf1206)
  • auau62/hijing_382/b0_3/central/y2004a/gheisha_on - (rcf1207, pds1207)

Production Series

reconstruction run through tpc, svt(fast simulator) + est, ftpc(slow simulator), bbc, tof, EMC, EEMC, PMD.

pp 200GeV, PYTHIA v.6.203, with high pt trigger, year 2003 geometry production

GEANT simulation run through tpc, svt (3 layers), ctb(tof), ftpc, EMC half barrel, ECAL (one third of one cap, west cap), bbc, fpd, GHEISHA was used in simulation, positive full field


  • pp200/pythia6_203/default/pt5/year2003/gheisha_on
  • pp200/pythia6_203/default/pt15/year2003/gheisha_on

Production Series

reconstruction run through tpc, svt(fast simulator) + est, ftpc(slow simulator), half barrel EMC, tof, bbc, EEMC in year2003 geometry, used beam line constrain for LMV finding  

auau 200 GeV/c, mevsim flow simulation, central (b0_6) year_1e geometry production

GEANT simulation run through tpc, ctb, rich, CaloPath, SVT ladder, GHEISHA was used in simulation, positive full field


  • auau200/mevsim/v2/b0_6/year_1e/gheisha_on

Production Series

reconstruction run through tpc and rich

auau 200 GeV/c mevsim flow simulation, central (b0_6) year2001 geometry production

GEANT simulation run through tpc, ctb(tof), ftpc, rich, CaloPath, svt, fpd detectors; in this geometry tof tray on the east side in front of rich, barrel emc contains 24 modules (quarter), fpd as part of ecal, GHEISHA was used in simulation, positive full field


  • auau200/mevsim/v2/b0_6/year2001/gheisha_on

Production Series

reconstruction run through tpc, rich, ftpc, calo path

auau 200GeV, HIJING, year 2003x geometry production

with embedded J/Psi and Upsilons simulated with PITHIA, GHEISHA was used in GEANT simulation
GEANT simulation run through tpc, svt (3 layers, improved geometry), ctb(tof), ftpc, EMC full barrel, ECAL two caps, bbc, fpd detectors and positive full field


  • auau200/hijing_382/b0_20/minbias/y2003x/gheisha_on,
  • files rcf1201*evts.fzd - hijing v.1.382, no embedded data
  • files rcf1201*160_mix.fz - hijing v.1.382 with embedded J/psi
  • files rcf1201*161_mix.fz - hijing v.1.382 with embedded Upsilons
  • files rcf1201*24_mix.fz - hijing v.1.382 with embedded Omega

Production Series

  • P03ih, run with library SL03h , datasets:
    • auau200/hijing_382/b0_20/minbias/y2003x/gheisha_on/trs_ih - hijing v.1.382, no embedded data;
    • auau200/hijing_382/b0_20/minbias/y2003x/gheisha_on/trs_ihj - single J/psi particles;
    • auau200/hijing_382/b0_20/minbias/y2003x/gheisha_on/trs_ihu - single Upsilon particles;
    • auau200/hijing_382/b0_20/minbias/y2003x/gheisha_on/trs.mix_ihj - hijing v.1.382 with embedded J/psi
    • auau200/hijing_382/b0_20/minbias/y2003x/gheisha_on/trs.mix_ihu - hijing v.1.382 with embedded Upsilons

    reconstruction run through tpc, bbc, EMC full barrel, ECAL two caps;
  • P04ia production run with SL04a library dataset:
    • auau200/hijing_382/b0_20/minbias/y2003x/gheisha_on/trs.mix_om.ia - hijing v.1.382 with embedded Omega
      HIJING with embedded Omega run in addition through SVT and used new V0 and Xi vertex finding code and new SVT fast simulator (srs). problem found in production with SVT code and dataset has been rerun
  • P04ie production run with SL04e library, fixed SVT simulation code:
    • auau200/hijing_382/b0_20/minbias/y2003x/gheisha_on/ - hijing v.1.382 with embedded Omega

dAu 200GeV, HIJING, year 2003 geometry production

GEANT simulation run through tpc, svt (3 layers), ctb(tof), ftpc, EMC half barrel, ECAL (one third of one cap, west cap), bbc, fpd detectors and positive full field


  • dau200/hijing/b0_20/minbias/year2003/hadronic_on --- hijing v. 1.35, GEANT was running with GCALOR
  • dau200/hijing/b0_20/jet02/year2003/hadronic_on --- hijing v. 1.35, minbias, GEANT with GCALOR, jet trigger Pt>2 GeV/c
  • dau200/hijing/b0_20/jet03/year2003/hadronic_on --- hijing v. 1.35, minbias, GEANT with GCALOR, jet trigger Pt>3 GeV/c
  • dau200/hijing/b0_20/jet06/year2003/hadronic_on --- hijing v. 1.35, minbias, GEANT with GCALOR, jet trigger Pt>6 GeV/c
  • dau200/hijing_381/b0_20/minbias_wideZ/year2003/hadronic_on --- hijing v. 1.381, Z vertex distribution 80 cm
  • dau200/hijing_382/b0_20/minbias/year2003/gheisha_on --- hijing v. 1.382, GEANT was running with GHEISHA

Production Series

  • P03ii, run with library SL02i , dataset:
    • dau200/hijing/b0_20/minbias/year2003/hadronic_on
    reconstruction run through tpc, svt(slow simulator), ftpc(slow simulator), half barrel EMC, tof, bbc in year2003 geometry, used beam line constrain for LMV finding
  • P03id, run with library SL03d , dataset:
    • dau200/hijing_382/b0_20/minbias/year2003/gheisha_on
    reconstruction run through tpc, svt(slow simulator) + est, ftpc(slow simulator), half barrel EMC, tof, bbc, EEMC in year2003 geometry, used beam line constrain for LMV finding

pp 200GeV, PYTHIA v.6.203, year 2003 geometry production

GEANT simulation run through tpc, svt (3 layers), ctb(tof), ftpc, EMC half barrel, ECAL (one third of one cap, west cap), bbc, fpd detectors and positive full field


  • pp200/pythia_6.203/default/minbias/year2003/hadronic_on --- pythia v. 6.203, GEANT run with GCALOR

Production Series

  • P03ic, run with library SL03c ,
    reconstruction run through tpc, svt(slow simulator), ftpc(slow simulator), half barrel EMC, tof, bbc in year2003 geometry, used beam line constrain for LMV finding

AuAu 200GeV, HIJING v. 1.35, year 2001 geometry production

GEANT simulation run through tpc, ctb(tof), ftpc, rich, CaloPath, svt, fpd detectors; in this geometry tof tray on the east side in front of rich, barrel emc contains 24 modules (quarter), fpd as part of ecal and GCALOR


  • auau200/hijing/b0_20/standard/year2001/hadronic_on - minbias, full field;
  • auau200/hijing/b0_3/standard/year2001/hadronic_on - central, full field;
  • auau200/hijing/b0_20/inverse/year2001/hadronic_on - minbias, reversed full field;
  • auau200/hijing/b0_3/inverse/year2001/hadronic_on - central, reversed full field;

Production Series

  • P01gk, run with library SL01k , first auau200 hijing production with geometry year2001
    • auau200/hijing/b0_20/standard/year2001/hadronic_on
    reconstruction run through tpc, rich, year2001 geometry
  • P01gl, run with library SL01l , first release of EMC code for year2001 geometry and MC production
    • auau200/hijing/b0_20/standard/year2001/hadronic_on
    • auau200/hijing/b0_3/standard/year2001/hadronic_on
    reconstruction run through tpc, rich, calo path, year2001 geometry
  • P02gb, run with library SL02b ,
    important features: db access for tpc reshaped, StTpcDb, StTrsMaker modified
    this is small test production before real year 2001 AuAu 200 GeV data taken
    • auau200/hijing/b0_20/standard/year2001/hadronic_on
    reconstruction run through tpc, rich, calo path, y2001 geometry
  • P02ge, run with library SL02e
    to make it consistent with real AuAu 200GeV data production, fixed bug in and, added he3,he4,deuterons in simulation
    • auau200/hijing/b0_20/standard/year2001/hadronic_on
    • auau200/hijing/b0_3/standard/year2001/hadronic_on
    reconstruction run through tpc, rich, calo path, y2001 geometry
  • P02gg, large scale production, run with library SL02g
    • auau200/hijing/b0_20/inverse/year2001/hadronic_on
    • auau200/hijing/b0_3/inverse/year2001/hadronic_on
    reconstruction run through tpc, rich, calo path,(y2001n geometry, updated, material in central membrane changed to copper), implemented simutag to handle offline database correctly, implemented dynamic stamp for RDO mask to make MC data consistent with the experimental data
  • P02gh2, run with library SL02h
    • auau200/hijing/b0_20/inverse/year2001/hadronic_on
    • auau200/hijing/b0_3/inverse/year2001/hadronic_on
    reconstruction run through tpc, rich, svt, calo path, (y2001n geometry,updated, material in central membrane changed to copper), used dynamic stamp for RDO mask experimental data, small production for ITTF test
  • P03ih, run with library SL03h
    • auau200/hijing/b0_20/inverse/year2001/hadronic_on
    reconstruction run through tpc, rich, ftpc, calo path, y2001n geometry, small production (25K events) for FTPC group

pp 200GeV, PYTHIA, year 2001 geometry production

GEANT simulation run through tpc, ctb(tof), ftpc, rich, CaloPath, svt, fpd detectors; in this geometry tof tray on the east side in front of rich, barrel emc contains 24 modules (quarter), fpd as part of ecal, positive full field and GCALOR


  • pp200/pythia/default/minbias/year2001/hadronic_on

Production Series

  • P02gh2, run with library SL02h reconstruction run through tpc, rich, svt, ftpc, calo path, small production for ITTF test.
  • MDC4, run with library SL01d reconstruction run through tpc, rich, svt, mwc

AuAu 130GeV, HIJING v. 1.35, year 2000 production

geometry 'year_1e' GEANT simulation run through tpc, ctb, rich, CaloPath, SVT ladder, positive half field and GCALOR
geometry 'year_1h' GEANT simulation includes FTPC


  • auau130/hijing/b0_15/year_1h/halffield/hadronic_on - minbias, half field
  • auau130/hijing/b0_3/year_1e/halffield/hadronic_on - central,half field
  • auau130/hijing/b3_6/year_1e/halffield/hadronic_on - midcentral,half field
  • auau130/hijing/b0_3_jet05/year_1h/halffield/hadronic_on - central with jet trigger Pt > 5 GeV/c, half field

Production Series

  • P00hi, run with library SL00i datasets:
    • auau130/hijing/b0_15/year_1h/halffield/hadronic_on
    • auau130/hijing/b0_3/year_1e/halffield/hadronic_on
    • auau130/hijing/b3_6/year_1e/halffield/hadronic_on
    • auau130/hijing/b0_3_jet05/year_1h/halffield/hadronic_on
    reconstruction run through tpc and rich
  • P01hi, run with library SL01j , SIM tag has been implemented which allowes to handle database correction needed for real data and should not be used for simulation data dataset:
    • auau130/hijing/b0_3/year_1e/halffield/hadronic_on
    reconstruction run through tpc and rich


AuAu 200GeV, VNI events year 2000 production

geometry 'year_1h', GEANT simulation run through tpc, ctb, rich, CaloPath, SVT ladder, FTPC


  • auau200/vni/default/b0_3/year_1h/hadronic_on - central, positive full field
  • auau200/vni/default/b0_3/year_1h1/hadronic_on - central, positive full field

Production Series

P03ih, run with library SL03h, reconstruction run through tpc (trs) for EbyE PWG

More datasets could be found in FileCatalog related to MDC and site PWG simultaion requests.



Lidia Didenko