2008 PPV evaluation plan
Run #9069005 will be used
Trigger Name | Trigger ID | # Events | daq source file | needed daq files | expected # triggers |
zerobias | 9300 | 525 | st_zerobias | all | 525 |
toftpx | 220710 | 354459 | st_toftpx | 5 | 90000 |
fms-slow | 220981 | 29914 | st_fmsslow | 20 | 20000 |
bbc | 220000 | 2646 | st_physics | all | 2646 |
bh1-mb | 220510 | 8612 | st_physics | all | 8612 |
etot-mb-l2 | 7 | 2853 | st_physics | all | 2853 |
jp1-mb-l2 | 8 | 5676 | st_physics | all | 5676 |
bh2-mb-slow | 220520 | 14236 | st_physics | all | 14236 |
daq files are located at
9069005f 9069005t 9069005z 9069005p
bfc.C will be run in stardev with options:
root4star -b -q bfc.C'(1,1e6,"DbV20080820 pp2008 ITTF OSpaceZ2 OGridLeak3D beamLine VFPPVnoCTB debug logger","/star/data03/daq/2008/069/*")'
The verision of PPV includes the August 2008 change that Post Crossing Tracks are dropped which was enacted in response to the change of the TPC cluster finder
MuDst files will be placed at:
Observables to Monitor:
# primary vertices
Z location primary vertices
delta Z between primary vertex z position and bbc or vpd z position
# tracks associated with each primary vertex
Cuts to Monitor:
mMinTrkPt (Currently 0.20)
mMinFitPfrack (Currently at 0.70)
Include all EEMC rings
Weights for TPC, EEMC, BEMC
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