Nessus false positives and errors

Here are the list of Nessus scan results that are marked as False Positives, Operational Need, Acceptable Risk, etc. 
Listings in italics have disappeared from Nessus results (reason not always known) since marked.  

Reasons for "date nessus result found gone" are as follows:

  • The CS database is keyed on (1) machine IP (2) MAC (3) nessus ID (the test # from nessus)  (plus (4) the port)
  • While the nessus ID should not change often nor should the IP, any change in those first three information would make the reason disappear

 The only path is to document the explanations.

Nessus findings on STAR DB servers with False Positive (list started March 11, 2008)


RESULT FOUND GONE HIGH 3601   Synopis: The remote database server can be accessed without a password.

(anonymous account does not have a password)
2013/03/20 Operational Need: Anonymous access is read-only by configuration. No sensitive information is available. Access is needed for monitoring of experiment operations. HIGH 3400-3413  

Synopsis : The remote database server can be accessed without a password.

Plugin output : The anonymous account does not have a password.


3404: 12/16/2013
Operational Need: Anonymous access is read-only by configuration. No sensitive information is available. Access is needed for monitoring of experiment operations.  2012/11/19  HIGH  3316     anonymous account w/o password  03/29/2011  Operational need:  "Access without a password is limited to read-only by configuration. No sensitive information is available in this database."
6/11/2012  HIGH 3316   anonymous account w/o password 2/26/2014 Anonymous/passwordless access is read-only by configuration. No sensitive information is available through this access.  HIGH 3316   anonymous account w/o password 3/12/2014 Anonymous/passwordless access is read-only by configuration. No sensitive information is available through this access. HIGH 3400-3412
  anonymous account w/o password 3/31/2014 Operational Need:  Anonymous/passwordless access is read-only by configuration. No sensitive information is available through this access.  HIGH 3316   anonymous account w/o password 2/26/2014 Anonymous/passwordless access is read-only by configuration. No sensitive information is available through this access.  HIGH 3316   anonymous account w/o password 02/12/2014 Anonymous/passwordless access is read-only by configuration. No sensitive information is available through this access.  HIGH 3316   anonymous account w/o password 02/12/2014
found again (and retoggled) on 10/24/2014
Anonymous/passwordless access is read-only by configuration. No sensitive information is available through this access.  HIGH 3316   anonymous account w/o password 02/12/2014 Anonymous/passwordless access is read-only by configuration and by design. No sensitive information is available through this access.  HIGH 3316   anonymous account w/o password 2/26/2014 Anonymous/passwordless access is read-only by configuration. No sensitive information is available through this access.  HIGH 3316   anonymous account w/o password 2/26/2014 Anonymous/passwordless access is read-only by configuration. No sensitive information is available through this access.  HIGH 3316   anonymous account w/o password 2/26/2014 Anonymous/passwordless access is read-only by configuration. No sensitive information is available through this access.  HIGH 3316   anonymous account w/o password 2/26/2014 Anonymous/passwordless access is read-only by configuration. No sensitive information is available through this access.  HIGH 3316   anonymous account w/o password 2/26/2014 Anonymous/passwordless access is read-only by configuration. No sensitive information is available through this access.  HIGH 3316   anonymous account w/o password 2/26/2014 Anonymous/passwordless access is read-only by configuration. No sensitive information is available through this access.  HIGH 3316   anonymous account w/o password 2/26/2014 Anonymous/passwordless access is read-only by configuration. No sensitive information is available through this access.  HIGH 3316   anonymous account w/o password 2/26/2014 Anonymous/passwordless access is read-only by configuration. No sensitive information is available through this access.  HIGH 3316   anonymous account w/o password 2/26/2014 Anonymous/passwordless access is read-only by configuration. No sensitive information is available through this access.  HIGH 3606   anonymous account w/o password 1/9/2015 Anonymous/passwordless access is read-only by configuration. No sensitive information is available through this access.
MEDIUM 5672/tcp 87733 AMQP cleartext authentication 5/18/2016

openstack1 added on 9/28/2016
This is by intent and we accept the associated risk which we consider to be very small.
MEDIUM 27017/tcp 81777 MongoDB Service access without authentication 9/29/2016 The access to publicly available information is expected. There is no real privileged access allowed on this service/server.  HIGH 3316   anonymous account w/o password 5/13/2013 Anonymous/passwordless access is read-only by configuration. No sensitive information is available through this access.  HIGH 3316   anonymous account w/o password 5/13/2013 Anonymous/passwordless access is read-only by configuration. No sensitive information is available through this access. (BNL and external repos) MEDIUM 80/tcp, 443/tcp  40984 browseable directories 4/19/2016 This is the desired behaviour for this server.  It is not exposing any sensitive information. MEDIUM 443   Encrypts traffic using TLS / SSL but allows a client to insecurely renegotiate the connection ? This device has no configuration options to disable renegotiation. It also has the latest (and likely last) firmware and software updates from the vendor, so it is unlikely to ever be correctable. MEDIUM 443   MITM/POODLE 12/1/2014 Vendor support for this unit ended before POODLE was known, and the unit is not configurable to disable SSLv3 or to use TLS Fallback SCSV. It is rarely accessed (by only 2-3 people), and will only be accessed by internal clients that do disable SSLv3, which is believed to prevent the MITM nature of the attack. MEDIUM 443 42873 SSL Medium strength ciphers 11/27/2018 This unit has no configuration option to disable these ciphers. HIGH 443 20007 SSLv3 supported 11/27/2018 This unit has no configuration to disable SSLv3. MEDIUM 161/udp 41028 default SNMP community string 12/02/2015 This device does not allow changes to the SNMP public community string. MEDIUM 445/tcp 57608 signing not required on SMB server 12/29/2016 (missing & re-added on 9/26/2017) This printer has no configuration options to alter the SMB server behaviour.  The risk is acceptable. MEDIUM 443/tcp   MITM/POODLE 1/8/2015 No update has been released for this particular model. (The manufacturer has released updates for other products, so it may eventually update this line.) Meanwhile, the risk is considered acceptably low, as the device is rarely accessed, and is only reachable from portions of BNL, and the 2 or 3 potential users all use browsers that themselves will not allow the TLS/SSL downgrade. MEDIUM 443/tcp   3 separate issues:
1) (83875) SSL/TLS connections with one or more Diffie-Hellman moduli less than or equal to 1024 bits.
2) (20007) connections encrypted using SSL 2.0 and/or SSL 3.0.
3) (78479) man-in-the-middle (MitM) information disclosure vulnerability known as POODLE
7/5/2014 The device manufacturer has not released updated firmware to correct this, nor are there settings to eliminate this without disabling encryption completely. MEDIUM 443/tcp   MITM/POODLE 1/8/2015 No update has been released for this particular model. (The manufacturer has released updates for other products, so it may eventually update this line.) Meanwhile, the risk is considered acceptably low, as the device is rarely accessed, and is only reachable from portions of BNL, and the 2 or 3 potential users all use browsers that themselves will not allow the TLS/SSL downgrade. MEDIUM 443/tcp   3 separate issues:
1) (83875) SSL/TLS connections with one or more Diffie-Hellman moduli less than or equal to 1024 bits.
2) (20007) connections encrypted using SSL 2.0 and/or SSL 3.0.
3) (65821)  the use of RC4 in one or more cipher suites.
7/5/2014 The device manufacturer has not released updated firmware to correct this, nor are there settings to eliminate this without disabling encryption completely. MEDIUM 443/tcp   4 separate issues:
1) (83875) SSL/TLS connections with one or more Diffie-Hellman moduli less than or equal to 1024 bits.
2) (20007) connections encrypted using SSL 2.0 and/or SSL 3.0.
3) (78479) man-in-the-middle (MitM) information disclosure vulnerability known as POODLE
4) (65821) use of RC4 in one or more cipher suites.
7/5/2014 The device manufacturer has not released updated firmware to correct this, nor are there settings to eliminate this without disabling encryption completely. MEDIUM 443/tcp   MITM/POODLE 1/8/2015 No update has been released for this particular model. (The manufacturer has released updates for other products, so it may eventually update this line.) Meanwhile, the risk is considered acceptably low, as the device is rarely accessed, and is only reachable from portions of BNL, and the 2 or 3 potential users all use browsers that themselves will not allow the TLS/SSL downgrade. MEDIUM 443/tcp   3 separate issues:
1) (83875) SSL/TLS connections with one or more Diffie-Hellman moduli less than or equal to 1024 bits.
2) (20007) connections encrypted using SSL 2.0 and/or SSL 3.0.
3) (65821) use of RC4 in one or more cipher suites.
7/5/2014 The device manufacturer has not released updated firmware to correct this, nor are there settings to eliminate this without disabling encryption completely.
MEDIUM 502/tcp  23817
(three separate Accept Risk rules in Security Center)
Modbus access   This is a very simple device with very little configurability. No sensitive information is available to be read from this device, nor are any hardware systems controlled by this device. MEDIUM 23/tcp  42263 The remote Telnet server transmits traffic in cleartext. 7/2/2015 Operational Need: Device does not support SSH connections. Telnet only accessible from limited subnets. No sensitive data is transmitted. MEDIUM 23/tcp  42263 The remote Telnet server transmits traffic in cleartext. 4/21/2016 Operational Need: Device does not support SSH connections. Telnet only accessible from limited subnets. No sensitive data is transmitted. MEDIUM 23/tcp  42263 The remote Telnet server transmits traffic in cleartext. 4/21/2016 Operational Need: Device does not support SSH connections. Telnet only accessible from limited subnets. No sensitive data is transmitted. MEDIUM 23/tcp  42263 The remote Telnet server transmits traffic in cleartext. 5/4/2016 Device is incapable of SSH connections.  No sensitive information is on this device, and it does not have any experimental hardware controls.  It will be removed in the summer of 2016. [allowance set to expire Dec. 1, 2016] MEDIUM 80/tcp 85582 Web app vulnerable to clickjacking 5/9/2016 Risk is acceptable and it is not correctable with this hardware.  No sensitive information is on this device, and it does not have any experimental hardware controls.  It will be removed in the summer or fall of 2016.  [allowance set to expire Dec. 1, 2016] MEDIUM 80/tcp 46194 CGI Path Traversal 5/9/2016 Risk is acceptable and it is not correctable with this hardware.  No sensitive information is on this device, and it does not have any experimental hardware controls.  It will be removed in the summer or fall of 2016.  [allowance set to expire Dec. 1, 2016] MEDIUM 23/tcp   The remote Telnet server transmits traffic in cleartext. 7/2/15 Operational Need: Device does not support SSH connections. Telnet only accessible from limited subnets. No sensitive data is transmitted. MEDIUM 23/tcp   The remote Telnet server transmits traffic in cleartext. 7/2/15 Operational Need: Device does not support SSH connections. Telnet only accessible from limited subnets. No sensitive data is transmitted. MEDIUM 23/tcp  42263 The remote Telnet server transmits traffic in cleartext. 7/2/15 Operational Need: Device does not support SSH connections. Telnet only accessible from limited subnets. No sensitive data is transmitted.
 1/10/2017: found in scan results again.  No risk acceptance listed in Security Center, so re-added. MEDIUM 23/tcp   The remote Telnet server transmits traffic in cleartext. 7/2/15 Operational Need: Device does not support SSH connections. Telnet only accessible from limited subnets. No sensitive data is transmitted. MEDIUM 23/tcp   The remote Telnet server transmits traffic in cleartext. 7/2/15 Operational Need: Device does not support SSH connections. Telnet only accessible from limited subnets. No sensitive data is transmitted. MEDIUM 23/tcp   The remote Telnet server transmits traffic in cleartext. 7/2/15 Operational Need: Device does not support SSH connections. Telnet only accessible from limited subnets. No sensitive data is transmitted. MEDIUM 23/tcp   The remote Telnet server transmits traffic in cleartext. 7/2/15 Operational Need: Device does not support SSH connections. Telnet only accessible from limited subnets. No sensitive data is transmitted. MEDIUM 23/tcp  42263 The remote Telnet server transmits traffic in cleartext. 7/2/15 Operational Need: Device does not support SSH connections. Telnet only accessible from limited subnets. No sensitive data is transmitted. MEDIUM 80/TCP  85582 Potentially Vulnerable to Clickjacking (no X-Frame-Options response header) 05/18/2018 The embedded web server on this network switch is not configurable in a way that will resolve this. Considering that firewall rules generally prevent access to this web interface from outside its subnet, this risk is acceptably low. MEDIUM 23/tcp   The remote Telnet server transmits traffic in cleartext. 7/2/15 Operational Need: Device does not support SSH connections. Telnet only accessible from limited subnets. No sensitive data is transmitted. MEDIUM 23/tcp   The remote Telnet server transmits traffic in cleartext. 7/2/15 Operational Need: Device does not support SSH connections. Telnet only accessible from limited subnets. No sensitive data is transmitted. MEDIUM 23/tcp   The remote Telnet server transmits traffic in cleartext. 7/2/15 Operational Need: Device does not support SSH connections. Telnet only accessible from limited subnets. No sensitive data is transmitted. MEDIUM 443/tcp   4 separate issues:
1) (83875) SSL/TLS connections with one or more Diffie-Hellman moduli less than or equal to 1024 bits.
2) (20007) connections encrypted using SSL 2.0 and/or SSL 3.0.
3) (78479) man-in-the-middle (MitM) information disclosure vulnerability known as POODLE
4) (65821) use of RC4 in one or more cipher suites.
7/5/2014 The device manufacturer has not released updated firmware to correct this, nor are there settings to eliminate this without disabling encryption completely.
 MEDIUM  23/tcp  42263  Telnet server  4/28/2016 Though it accepts connections, it only displays a banner stating that it is disallowed, and immediately disconnects. MEDIUM 80/tcp 85582  Potentially vulnerable to clickjacking (no X-Frame-Options) 1/10/2017 This device has no configuration option available to mitigate or eliminate this issue.  MEDIUM 16992/tcp  85582 Web app vulnerable to clickjacking  5/31/2016 Risk is acceptable.  This is a very rarely used (but useful when needed) Intel AMT interface (beneath the Operating System), where it is not correctable.
 MEDIUM 60000/tcp  42263  Telnet server  6/1/2016 Cannot disable telnet on these devices' Broadcom FASTPATH version (tried), nor is SSH available.  We however do not use telnet to interact with these devices, so the danger of intercepted plain text login credentials and such is zero.  MEDIUM 23/tcp  42263  Telnet server 6/8/2016 This is a strange case.  This IP address is the broadcast address for the subnet.  The device that is connecting is an instrumentation device that appears to be properly configured to use, yet is answering to the broadcast address.
Meanwhile, the device has a Telnet toggle option to disable telnet, but it does not work - it continues answering telnet despite restarts.  In any case, the users do not use the telnet interface, thus the risk of this is considered acceptable. MEDUIM 22/TCP 90317 SSH weak algorithms supported (arcfour) 10/17/2016 The encryption algorithms are not configurable.  The system is not widely accessible even with in the BNL campus, and SSH will only rarely be used with this device. HIGH 445/TCP 36087 Autodesk IDrop ActiveX Control Heap Corruption 04/25/2017 The contents of IDrop.ocx have been deleted, leaving the empty file in place to prevent Autodesk from recreating it. MEDIUM 443/TCP 40984 Browseable web directories 12/13/2016 This behaviour is intentional and does not expose any sensitive information. MEDIUM 9812/TCP and 4812/TCP (two separate Nessus results) 12085 Tomcat default files 05/16/2018 The risk this adds is acceptably low, as very little information is actually returned in the response. Furthermore, this is not a full-blown Tomcat installation, and it does not have the usual web.xml to add custom error pages. MEDIUM 23/TCP  42263  Telnet server 11/29/2018 This hardware hardware does not have SSH access and we actively use the telnet access for monitoring the device.  The device is on a firewalled subnet dedicated to our experiment's operations, so access is limited and the risk is considered acceptable. MEDIUM 23/TCP  42263  Telnet server 01/07/2019 This instrumentation does not have SSH access.  This device is on a firewalled subnet dedicated to our experiment's operations and hosts no sensitive information.  We consider the risk of operating this device as is to be acceptably low. HIGH    3316 anonymous account w/o password 08/27/2021 Operational Need: Anonymous access is read-only by configuration. No sensitive information is available. Access is needed for monitoring of experiment operations. MEDIUM    3316 anonymous account w/o password 08/27/2021 Operational Need: Anonymous access is read-only by configuration. No sensitive information is available. Access is needed for monitoring of experiment operations. MEDIUM   3316 anonymous account w/o password 08/27/2021 Operational Need: Anonymous access is read-only by configuration. No sensitive information is available. Access is needed for monitoring of experiment operations. MEDIUM    3316 anonymous account w/o password 08/27/2021 Operational Need: Anonymous access is read-only by configuration. No sensitive information is available. Access is needed for monitoring of experiment operations. MEDIUM    3316 anonymous account w/o password 08/27/2021 Operational Need: Anonymous access is read-only by configuration. No sensitive information is available. Access is needed for monitoring of experiment operations. MEDIUM    3316 anonymous account w/o password 08/27/2021 Operational Need: Anonymous access is read-only by configuration. No sensitive information is available. Access is needed for monitoring of experiment operations.  


The passwordless accounts ("root" and "anonymous") are only distinguished in the details of each finding -- our comments sometimes address root when anoymous is found or vice versa.

Some db nodes have no marked findings (as of 3/31/2014, but not an exhaustive check):  robinson, heston (despite being listed above), duvall/db09 (alias), omega.